General practicalities

Some basic setup and practicalities, like office supplies.

February 20, 2025


🚧 This website and most of its contents are often updated or modified. Many documents are at various stages of completion. 🚧


There are 4 canteens at AUH. They are in the following locations:

  • Cafe Nord at J418
  • Cafe Syd at C416
  • Cafe Øst and kiosk at G206
  • Cafe Vest at K408

In addition, there is a small café with limited selection at entrance A, which is open 8-14.

RM Printer

RM printer is available on Plan 3 (Niche A301-016 or A301-022) Note the name of the printer from someone in your office. For questions regarding the SDCA printer: ask Julie Knudsen ().

AU Printer

AU printer AUH-A401-113-C-1-MFP at (room A401-113) For questions regarding the AU printer: ask AU IT ().

Microsoft Office templates (for RM)

All templates are found in the folder N:\Afdeling\AUHSTDIC\_Fælles\SDCA-dokumenter_Skabeloner. This (unfortunately) can so far only be accessed through the “Citrixportal”.

Office supplies

SDCA has a stock of office supplies in the copy room on Plan 3 (Niche A301-016). If something you need isn’t there, contact Julie Knudsen at . There is also a larger AUH common depot at Intersection (Krydspunkt) G101.

Letters and other mail

For sending mail, contact Inger Hornbech ().


At RM, it’s only the managers who have a Mastercard. At SDCA Head of Research Niels Jessen has one. Contact Maria Siggaard () if you need to buy something by using the MasterCard. For those affiliated through Aarhus University, you can apply for an employee MasterCard.

Meeting rooms

You can find an overview of meeting rooms at SDCA here. Read the guide for booking meeting rooms here.

Frirum (Free rooms)

At SDCA we have a number of rooms that no one can book and used on a first-come-first-served basis. These rooms are intended for smaller in-person meetings and online meetings. Everyone can use the room. These rooms are not intended to be extra office spaces or be used for whole-day collaborations. If this is your need, please book a meeting room that fits the number of people attending or sit in the areas around the lunch room on level 3 or 4.