Booking meeting rooms at Forum

How to book rooms for meetings in the Forum building at AUH.


Luke W. Johnston

Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus

Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University


February 20, 2025


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Booking rooms in Forum is fairly easy if you know how to do it. But it is not a straight forward way to find out.

If you have a Region email and have Outlook installed, the easiest approach to booking rooms is through the Outlook calendar. But not everyone has Outlook or don’t want to use multiple calendars, like if they are employed at Aarhus University but with an affiliation with the Region.

The next way of booking rooms is through the Citrix, which you can only access if you have MitID. After you log into Citrix, use the Search button on the top right corner to look for Pronestor.

When it shows itself on the screen, click the icon for Pronestor. After it opens up, you should see a list of dates. Select the date you want to book by clicking the button “Ny mødebestilling”. You’ll be given a list of rooms to book. Select the start time (“start”) and end time (“slut”) at the top, then click the room that is available. Afterwards, continue by clicking the “Check ud” at the top.

That’s it, you’ve booked the room!

There are also several “frirum” (free rooms), which are small meeting rooms that cannot be booked and are available if they are empty. There is usually one available at all times.