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This vignette describes the function conventions and function flow of the osdc package. The function convention sections go over how we name functions and how we structure them in terms of input and output. The function flow describes the functions within the package, both internal and user-facing, which data sources they rely on, and how they are connected to each other. First, the functions for classifying diabetes status are presented, followed by the functions for classifying the diabetes type.

Function conventions

The below conventions are ideals only, to be used as a guidelines to help with development and understanding of the code. They are not hard rules.


  • First word is an action verb, later words are objects or conditions.
  • Exclusion criteria are prefixed with exclude_.
  • Inclusion criteria are prefixed with include_.
  • Helpers that get or extract a condition (e.g., “pregnancy” or “date of visit”) are prefixed with get_.
  • Helpers that drop or keep a specific condition are prefixed with drop_ or keep_ (e.g., “first visit date to maternal care for pregnancy after 40 weeks”). These types of helpers likely are contained in the get_ functions.
  • Helpers that join registers or output of other functions are prefixed with join_.

Input and output

  • Few arguments, with one or two core required argument.
  • include_ functions take a register as the first argument.
    • One input register database at a time.
  • exclude_ functions can take a register as the first argument or take the output from an include_ function.
  • Second argument can be an output data from another function.

Function flow

The osdc package contains one main function that classifies individuals into those with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes using the Danish registers: classify_diabetes(). This function classifies those with diabetes (type 1 or 2) based on the Danish registers described in the vignette("design") and vignette("data-sources"). All data sources are used as input for this function. The specific inclusion and exclusion details are also described in the vignette("design").

This results in the functionality flow for classifying diabetes status seen below. This flow can be divided into two sections: extracting the diabetes population and classifying diabetes type which we will detail in the following sections.

All functions take a data.frame type object as input and outputs the same type of object as the input object (a data.frame type). For instance, if the input is a data.table object, the output will also be a data.table.

Flow of functions, as well as their required input registers, for classifying diabetes status using the osdc package. Light blue and orange boxes represent filtering functions (inclusion and exclusion events, respectively). Uncoloured boxes are helper functions that get or extract a condition or joins data or function outputs.
Flow of functions, as well as their required input registers, for classifying diabetes status using the osdc package. Light blue and orange boxes represent filtering functions (inclusion and exclusion events, respectively). Uncoloured boxes are helper functions that get or extract a condition or joins data or function outputs.

Population extraction

In the following sections, we describe the functions used to extract the diabetes population from the Danish registers. The functions are divided into inclusion and exclusion events, and the final diagnosis date is calculated based on these events.

Flow of functions, as well as their required input registers, for extracting the population with diabetes using the osdc package. Light blue and orange boxes represent filtering functions (inclusion and exclusion events, respectively). Uncoloured boxes are helper functions that get or extract a condition or joins data or function outputs.
Flow of functions, as well as their required input registers, for extracting the population with diabetes using the osdc package. Light blue and orange boxes represent filtering functions (inclusion and exclusion events, respectively). Uncoloured boxes are helper functions that get or extract a condition or joins data or function outputs.

Inclusion events

HbA1c tests above the diagnosis cut-off value (48 mmol/mol or 6.5%)

The function include_hba1c() uses lab_forsker as the input data to extract all events of HbA1c tests above the diagnosis cut-off value.

Since the HbA1c diagnosis cut-off value depends on the kind of test that is used, the inclusion event is defined as follows:

  • For HbA1c IFCC (NPU03835), we include values >= 6.5 %.
  • For HbA1c DCCT (NPU27300), we include values >= 48 mmol/mol.
Algorithm used in the implementation for including HbA1c.
name logic
hba1c (analysiscode == ‘NPU27300’ AND value >= 48) OR (analysiscode == ‘NPU03835’ AND value >= 6.5)

Hospital diagnosis of diabetes

The function include_diabetes_diagnoses() uses the hospital contacts from LPR2 and 3 to include all dates of diabetes diagnoses. Diabetes diagnoses from both ICD 8 and ICD 10 are included.

This function contains two helper functions:

  • keep_diabetes_icd10()
  • keep_diabetes_icd8()

Diabetes-specific podiatrist services

The function include_podiatrist_services() uses sysi or sssy as input to extract the dates of all diabetes-specific podiatrist services.

GLD purchases

The function include_gld_purchases() uses lmdb to extract the dates of all GLD purchases (from 1997 onwards).

Exclusion events

HbA1c tests and GLD purchases during pregnancy

The function exclude_pregnancy() uses diagnoses from LPR2 or LPR3 as input and is used to exclude both HbA1c tests and GLD purchases during pregnancy.

Internally, this relies on the function get_pregnancy_dates() that contains the following three helper functions:

  • calculate_pregnancy_index_date_for_mc_visits_wo_end_date() (this might be removed with the inclusion of the birth register)
  • get_pregnancy_end_dates(): Keep maternal care visits with an end date and drop visits between 40 weeks before end date and 12 weeks after end date.
  • get_maternal_care_visit_dates_without_end_date(): Uses the output from get_pregnancy_end_dates() which identifies maternal care visits with end dates to derive maternal care visits without end dates. below.

Glucose-lowering brand drugs for weight loss

The function exclude_wld_purchases() uses lmdb as input and excludes the brand drugs Saxenda and Wegovy.

Metformin purchases for women below age 40

The function exclude_potential_pcos() as input to exclude all purchases of metformin by women below age 40 (i.e., <= 39 years old) at the date of purchase. It relies on bef as input.

This function contains two helper functions:

  • keep_women()
  • drop_age_40_below()

Get diagnosis date

The function get_diagnosis_date() combines the outputs from the inclusion and exclusion functions to get the final diagnosis date. Initially, it drops the first inclusion and exclusion events from the function outputs with the helper drop_first_event(), so that only those with two or more events are kept. This is then used to assign an initial diagnosis according to OSDC. Then, all the outputs are joined together with join_diagnosis_dates().

Finally, the dates outside of the data coverage period are dropped with drop_diagnosis_dates_outside_coverage() to end with a final diagnosis date. For details on this censoring based on periods with insufficient data coverage, see the vignette("design").

Classifying the diabetes type

The next step of the OSDC algorithm classifies individuals from the extracted diabetes population as having either T1D or T2D. As described in the vignette("design"), individuals not classified as T1D cases are classified as T2D cases.

The output is a data.frame that includes one row per individual in the diabetes population: one column with their PNR, two columns with inclusion dates (one “stable” date and one “raw” date - see the vignette("design") for an elaboration on what that entails), and one column with the diabetes type.

Flow of functions for classifying diabetes status using the osdc package.
Flow of functions for classifying diabetes status using the osdc package.

Type 1 classification

The details for the classification of type 1 diabetes is described in vignette("design"). To classify whether an individual has T1D, the OSDC algorithm includes the following criteria:

  1. get_t1d_primary_diagnosis(), which relies on the hospital diagnoses extracted from lpr_diag (LPR2) and diagnoser (LPR3) in the previous steps.
  2. get_only_insulin_purchases() which relies on the GLD purchases from Lægemiddelsdatabasen to get patients where all GLD purchases are insulin only.
  3. get_majority_of_t1d_diagnoses() (as compared to T2D diagnoses) which again relies on primary hospital diagnoses from LPR.
  4. get_insulin_purchase_within_180_days() which relies on both diagnosis from LPR and GLD purchases from Lægemiddelsdatabasen.
  5. get_insulin_is_two_thirds_of_gld_doses which relies on the GLD purchases from Lægemiddelsdatabasen.

Note the following hierarchy in first function above: First, the function checks whether the individual has primary diagnoses from endocrinological specialty. If that’s the case for a given person, the check of whether they have a majority of T1D primary diagnoses are based on data from endocrinological specialty. If that’s not the case, the check will be based on primary diagnoses from medical specialties.

Type 2 classification

As described in the vignette("design"), individuals not classified as type 1 cases are classified as type 2 cases.


The output of the OSDC algorithm is a data.frame which includes four columns:

  1. PNR: The pseudonymised social security number of individuals in the diabetes population (one row per individual)
  2. stable_inclusion_date: The stable inclusion date (i.e., the raw date mutated so only individuals included in the time-period where data coverage is sufficient to make incident cases reliable)1
  3. raw_inclusion_date: The raw inclusion date (i.e., the date of the second inclusion event as described in the Extracting the diabetes population section above)
  4. diabetes_type The classified diabetes type

For an example, see below.

Example rows of the data.frame output of the osdc package.
PNR stable_inclusion_date raw_inclusion_date diabetes_type
0000000001 2020-01-01 2020-01-01 T1D
0000000004 NULL 1995-04-19 T2D

The individuals 0000000001 and 0000000004 have been classified as having diabetes (T1D and T2D, respectively). 0000000004 is classified as having type 1 diabetes (T1D) with an inclusion date of 2020-01-01. Since this date is within a time-period of sufficient data coverage, the column stable_inclusion_date is populated with the same date as raw_inclusion_date.

The individual in the second row, 0000000004 is classified as having type 2 diabetes T2D with an inclusion date of 1995-19-04. Since 1995 is within a time-period of insufficient data coverage, stable_inclusion_date is NULL. However, raw_inclusion_date still contains the inclusion date of this individual.