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The function flow describes the functions within the package, both internal and user-facing, which data sources they rely on, and how they are connected to each other. First, the functions for classifying diabetes status are presented, followed by the functions for classifying the diabetes type.

Function flow

This results in the functionality flow for classifying diabetes status seen below. This flow can be divided into two sections: extracting the diabetes population and classifying diabetes type which we will detail in the following sections.

Flow of functions, as well as their required input registers, for classifying diabetes status using the osdc package. Light blue and orange boxes represent filtering functions (inclusion and exclusion events, respectively). Uncoloured boxes are helper functions that get or extract a condition or joins data or function outputs.
Flow of functions, as well as their required input registers, for classifying diabetes status using the osdc package. Light blue and orange boxes represent filtering functions (inclusion and exclusion events, respectively). Uncoloured boxes are helper functions that get or extract a condition or joins data or function outputs.

Population extraction

In the following sections, we describe the functions used to extract the diabetes population from the Danish registers. The functions are divided into inclusion and exclusion events, and the final diagnosis date is calculated based on these events.

Flow of functions, as well as their required input registers, for extracting the population with diabetes using the osdc package. Light blue and orange boxes represent filtering functions (inclusion and exclusion events, respectively). Uncoloured boxes are helper functions that get or extract a condition or joins data or function outputs.
Flow of functions, as well as their required input registers, for extracting the population with diabetes using the osdc package. Light blue and orange boxes represent filtering functions (inclusion and exclusion events, respectively). Uncoloured boxes are helper functions that get or extract a condition or joins data or function outputs.

Inclusion events

Hospital diagnoses

Joining LPR2 and LPR3 data

The helper functions join_lpr2() and join_lpr3() join records of diagnoses to administrative information in LPR2-formatted and LPR3-formatted data, respectively.

join_lpr2() takes lpr_diag and lpr_adm as inputs, filters to the necessary diagnoses (c_diag starting with “DO0[0-6]”, “DO8[0-4]”, “DZ3[37]”, “DE1[0-4]”, “249”, or “250”), joins the required information by record number (recnum), and outputs a data.frame with the following variables:

  • pnr: identifier variable
  • date: date of the recorded diagnosis (renamed from d_inddto)
  • specialty: department specialty (renamed from c_spec)
  • diagnosis_code: diagnosis code (renamed from c_diag)
  • diagnosis_type: diagnosis type (renamed from c_diagtype)

join_lpr3() takes diagnoser and kontakter as inputs, filters to the necessary diagnoses (diagnosekode starting with “DO0[0-6]”, “DO8[0-4]”, “DZ3[37]” or “DE1[0-4]”), joins the required information by record number (dw_ek_kontakt), and outputs a data.frame with the following variables:

  • pnr: identifier variable (renamed from cpr)
  • date: date of the recorded diagnosis (renamed from dato_start)
  • specialty: department specialty (renamed from hovedspeciale_ans)
  • diagnosis_code: diagnosis code (renamed from diagnosekode)
  • diagnosis_type: diagnosis type (renamed from diagnosetype)
  • diagnosis_retracted: if the diagnosis was later retracted (renamed from senere_afkraeftet)

These outputs are passed to include_diabetes_diagnoses() (and to get_pregnancy_dates(), see exclusion events) for further processing below.

Processing of diabetes diagnoses

The function include_diabetes_diagnoses() uses the hospital contacts from LPR2 and LPR3 to include all dates of diabetes diagnoses to use for inclusion, as well as additional information needed to classify diabetes type. Diabetes diagnoses from both ICD-8 and ICD-10 are included.

The function takes the outputs of join_lpr2() and join_lpr3() as inputs and processes each input separately to generate the following internal variables:

  • From join_lpr2:
    • pnr: identifier variable
    • date: dates of all included diabetes diagnoses:
    • registered as primary (A) or secondary (B) diagnoses, regardless of type or department:
      • Keep rows where diagnosis starts with “DE1[0-4]”, “249” or “250”, and diagnosis_type is either “A” or “B”
    • is_primary: Define whether the diagnosis was a primary diagnosis (diagnosis_type == “A”)
    • is_t1d: Define whether the diagnosis was T1D-specific (diagnosis starts with “DE10” or “249”)
    • is_t2d: Define whether the diagnosis was T2D-specific (diagnosis starts with “DE11” or “250”)
    • department: Define whether the diagnosis was made made by an endocrinological (if specialty == 8 then department == “endocrinology”) or other medical department (if specialty < 8 or 9-30 then department == “other medical”)
  • From join_lpr3():
    • pnr: identifier variable
    • date: dates of all included diabetes diagnoses:
    • registered as primary (A) or secondary (B) diagnoses, regardless of type or department, but exclude retracted diagnoses:
      • Keep rows where diagnosis starts with “DE1[0-4]”, diagnosis_type is either “A” or “B” and diagnosis_retracted == “Nej”
    • is_primary: Define whether the diagnosis was a primary diagnosis (diagnosis_type == “A”)
    • is_t1d: Define whether the diagnosis was T1D-specific (diagnosis starts with “DE10”)
    • is_t2d: Define whether the diagnosis was T2D-specific (diagnosis starts with “DE11”)
    • department: Define whether the diagnosis was made made by an endocrinological department (if specialty == “medicinsk endokrinologi” then department == “endocrinology”) or other medical department (if specialty is any of “Blandet medicin og kirurgi”, “Intern medicin”, “Geriatri”, “Hepatologi”, “Hæmatologi”, “Infektionsmedicin”, “Kardiologi”, “Medicinsk allergologi”, “Medicinsk gastroenterologi”, “Medicinsk lungesygdomme”, “Nefrologi”, “Reumatologi”, “Palliativ medicin”, “Akut medicin”, “Dermato-venerologi”, “Neurologi”, “Onkologi”, “Fysiurgi”, or “Tropemedicin” then department == “other medical”)

Internally, these intermediate results are combined and processed together. And ultimately, include_diabetes_diagnoses() outputs a single data.frame with the following variables (up to two rows per individual):

  • pnr: identifier variable
  • dates: dates of the first and second hospital diabetes diagnosis
  • n_t1d_endocrinology: number of type 1 diabetes-specific primary diagnosis codes from endocrinological departments
  • n_t2d_endocrinology: number of type 2 diabetes-specific primary diagnosis codes from endocrinological departments
  • n_t1d_medical: number of type 1 diabetes-specific primary diagnosis codes from medical departments
  • n_t2d_medical: number of type 2 diabetes-specific primary diagnosis codes from medical departments

This output is passed to the join_inclusions() function, where the dates variable is used for the final step of the inclusion process. The variables of counts of diabetes type-specific primary diagnoses (the four columns prefixed n_ above) are carried over for the subsequent classification of diabetes type, initially as inputs to the get_t1d_primary_diagnosis() and get_majority_of_t1d_diagnoses() functions.

Diabetes-specific podiatrist services

The function include_podiatrist_services() uses sysi or sssy as input to extract the dates of all diabetes-specific podiatrist services.

These dates are extracted by filtering values beginning with “54” in the speciale variable of the sssy and sysi registers by default (alternatively, the function can take the spec2 variable as input instead, if that is the data available to the user). In addition, services provided to a child of the individual (barnmak != 0) are excluded using the barnmak variable. An internal helper function get_unique_honuge_dates() is applied to generate a proper date variable based on the year-week (wwyy-formatted) variable (honuge) found in the raw data, and de-duplicates multiple services registered on the same date.

include_podiatrist_services() outputs a 2-column data frame with up to two rows for each individual, containing the following variables:

  • pnr: identifier variable
  • date: the dates of the first and second diabetes-specific podiatrist record

The output is passed to the join_inclusions() function for the final step of the inclusion process.

HbA1c tests above the diagnosis cut-off value (48 mmol/mol or 6.5%)

The function include_hba1c() uses lab_forsker as the input data to extract the dates of all elevated HbA1c test results, using the appropriate cut-offs:

  • IFCC units: analysiscode NPU27300, any value \geq 48 mmol/mol
  • DCCT units: analysiscode NPU03835: any value \geq 6.5% .
Algorithm used in the implementation for including HbA1c.
name logic
hba1c (analysiscode == ‘NPU27300’ AND value >= 48) OR (analysiscode == ‘NPU03835’ AND value >= 6.5)

Multiple elevated results on the same day within each individual are deduplicated, to account for the same test result often being reported twice (one for IFCC, one for DCCT units).

include_hba1c() outputs a 2-column data frame containing the following variables:

  • pnr: identifier variable
  • dates: the dates of all elevated HbA1c test results

The output is passed to the exclude_pregnancy() function for censoring of elevated results due to potential gestational diabetes (see below).

GLD purchases

The function include_gld_purchases() uses lmdb to extract the dates of all GLD purchases.

These dates are extracted by including all values beginning with “A10” in the atc variable of the lmdb register, except for glucose-lowering drugs that may be used for other conditions than diabetes: GLP-RAs (atc start with “A10BJ”) or dapagliflozin/empagliflozin (atc = “A10BK01” or “A10BK03”).

Since the diagnosis code data on pregnancies (see below) is insufficient to perform censoring prior to 1997, include_gld_purchases() only extracts dates from 1997 onward by default (if Medical Birth Register data is available to use for censoring, the extraction window can be extended).

This function outputs a long data.frame (since all dates of purchases must be kept for later use in classifying diabetes type) with the following variables needed later in the classification part of the function flow:

  • pnr: identifier variable
  • date: dates of all purchases of GLD (renamed from eksd)
  • atc: type of drug
  • contained_doses: amount purchased, in number of defined daily doses (DDD). Calculated as volume (doses contained in the purchased package) times apk (number of packages purchased)
  • indication_code: indication code of the prescription (renamed from indo)

These events are then passed to a chain of exclusion functions: exclude_potential_pcos() and exclude_pregnancy() described in the sections below.

Exclusion events

Metformin purchases potentially for the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome

The function exclude_potential_pcos() takes the output from include_gld_purchases() and bef (information on sex and date of birth) as inputs and censors (filters out) all purchases of metformin in women below age 40 at the date of purchase (atc = “A10BA02” & sex = “woman” & age at purchase (date-date_of_birth) < 40 years) or an indication code suggesting the prescription was made for treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (atc = “A10BA02” & sex = “woman” & indication_code either of “0000092”, “0000276” or “0000781”).

This function only performs a filtering operation, and output retains the same structure and variables as the input passed from include_gld_purchases(). After these exclusions are made, the output is passed to exclude_pregnancy() for further censoring, described below.

HbA1c tests and GLD purchases during pregnancy

The function exclude_pregnancy() takes the combined outputs from join_lpr2(), join_lpr3(), include_hba1c(), and exclude_potential_pcos() and uses diagnoses from LPR2 or LPR3 to exclude both elevated HbA1c tests and GLD purchases during pregnancy, as these may be due to gestational diabetes, rather than type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Internally, this relies on the function get_pregnancy_dates() that uses diagnoses registered in LPR2 and LPR3 to extract the dates of all recorded pregnancy endings (live births and miscarriages). These are identified by diagnosis values beginning with “DO0[0-6]”, “DO8[0-4]” or “DZ3[37]”. The dates output by get_pregnancy_dates() are used to exclude all inclusion events registered between 40 weeks before and 12 weeks after a pregnancy ending.

After these exclusion functions have been applied, the output serves as inputs to two sets of functions:

  1. The censored HbA1c and GLD data are passed to the join_inclusions() function for the final step of the inclusion process.
  2. the censored GLD data is passed to the get_only_insulin_purchases(), get_insulin_purchases_within_180_days(), and get_insulin_is_two_thirds_of_gld_doses() helper functions for the classification of diabetes type.

Join inclusion events

The function join_inclusions() appends/row-binds the dates output from functions the process the four types of inclusion events by pnr. Thus, it takes as input the following variables output from the following functions:

  • From include_diabetes_diagnoses():
    • pnr: identifier variable
    • dates: dates of the first and second hospital diabetes diagnosis
  • From include_podiatrist_services()
    • pnr: identifier variable
    • dates: the dates of the first and second diabetes-specific podiatrist record
  • From exclude_pregnancy():
    • pnr: identifier variable
    • dates: the dates of the first and second elevated HbA1c test results (after censoring)
  • From exclude_pregnancy():
    • pnr: identifier variable
    • date: dates of all purchases of GLD
      • The dates of the first and second purchase of GLD of each individual are extracted from these and appended as two rows to the ´dates´ variable.

The output from the function is a data.frame containing two variables (pnr and dates) and 1 to 8 rows per ´pnr´. This output is passed to get_diagnosis_date().

Get diagnosis date

The function get_inclusion_date() takes the output from join_inclusions() and defines the final diagnosis date based on all the inclusion event types.

First, the inputs are sorted by dates within each level of pnr, then the earliest value of dates is dropped, so that only those with two or more events are included. The date of inclusion, raw_inclusion_date, is then defined as the earliest value of datesin the remaining rows for each individual (effectively the date of the second recorded inclusion event). A third variable, stable_inclusion_date, is defined based on raw_inclusion_date (if raw_inclusion_date < stable inclusion threshold (one year after medication data starts to contribute to inclusions. Default “31-12-1997”), then stable_inclusion_date is set to NA, else it is set toraw_inclusion_date). This variable serves to limit the included cohort to only individuals with valid date of inclusion (and thereby valid age at inclusion & duration of diabetes).

get_diagnosis_date() outputs a data.frame with the following variables:

  • pnr: identifier variable
  • raw_inclusion_date: date of inclusion
  • stable_inclusion_date: date of inclusion of valid incident cases

This output is passed to the get_diabetes_type() function and used to classify the diabetes type as described below.

Classifying the diabetes type

The next step of the OSDC algorithm classifies individuals from the extracted diabetes population as having either T1D or T2D. As described in the vignette("design"), individuals not classified as T1D cases are classified as T2D cases.

As the diabetes type classification incorporates an evaluation of the time from diagnosis/inclusion to first subsequent purchase of insulin, the get_diabetes_type() function has to take the date of diagnosis and all purchases of GLD drugs (after censoring) as inputs. In addition, information on diabetes type-specific primary diagnoses from hospitals is also a requirement.

Thus, the function takes the following inputs from get_diagnosis_date(), exclude_pregnancy(), and include_diabetes_diagnoses():

  • From get_diagnosis_date(): Information on date of diagnosis of diabetes
    • pnr
    • raw_inclusion_date
    • stable_inclusion_date
  • From exclude_pregnancy(): Information on historic GLD purchases:
    • pnr: identifier variable
    • date: dates of all purchases of GLD.
    • atc: type of drug
    • contained_doses: defined daily doses of drug contained in purchase
  • From include_diabetes_diagnoses(): Information on diabetes type-specific primary diagnoses from hospitals:
    • pnr: identifier variable
    • n_t1d_endocrinology: number of type 1 diabetes-specific primary diagnosis codes from endocrinological departments
    • n_t2d_endocrinology: number of type 2 diabetes-specific primary diagnosis codes from endocrinological departments
    • n_t1d_medical: number of type 1 diabetes-specific primary diagnosis codes from medical departments
    • n_t2d_medical: number of type 2 diabetes-specific primary diagnosis codes from medical departments

For each pnr number, several helper functions are applied to these inputs to extract additional information from the censored GLD data and diagnoses to use for classification of diabetes type. All of these return a single value (TRUE, otherwise FALSE) for each individual:

  • get_only_insulin_purchases():
    • Inputs passed from exclude_pregnancy():
      • atc
    • Outputs:
      • only_insulin_purchases = TRUE if no purchases with atc starting with “A10A” are present
  • get_insulin_purchases_within_180_days()
    • Inputs passed from exclude_pregnancy():
      • date & atc
    • Inputs passed from get_diagnosis_date():
      • raw_inclusion_date
    • Outputs: TRUE If any purchases with atc starting with “A10A” have a date between 0 and 180 days higher than raw_inclusion_date
  • get_insulin_is_two_thirds_of_gld_doses()
    • Inputs passed from exclude_pregnancy():
      • contained_doses & atc
    • Outputs: TRUE If the sum of contained_doses of rows of atc starting with “A10A” (except “A10AE5”) is at least twice the sum of contained_doses of rows of atc starting with “A10B” or “A10AE5”
  • get_any_t1d_primary_diagnoses():
    • Inputs passed from include_diabetes_diagnoses():
      • n_t1d_endocrinology & n_t1d_medical
    • Outputs: TRUE if the combined sum of the inputs is 1 or above.
  • get_type_diagnoses_from_endocrinology():
    • Inputs passed from include_diabetes_diagnoses():
      • n_t1d_endocrinology, n_t2d_endocrinology
    • Outputs: type_diagnoses_from_endocrinology = TRUE if the combined sum of the inputs is 1 or above
  • get_type_diagnosis_majority():
    • Inputs passed from include_diabetes_diagnoses():
      • n_t1d_endocrinology, n_t2d_endocrinology, n_t1d_medical & n_t2d_medical
    • Inputs passed from get_type_diagnoses_from_endocrinology():
      • type_diagnoses_from_endocrinology
    • Outputs: TRUE if type_diagnoses_from_endocrinology == TRUE and n_t1d_endocrinology is above n_t2d_endocrinology. Also TRUE if type_diagnoses_from_endocrinology = FALSE and n_t1d_medical is above n_t2d_medical

get_diabetes_type() evaluates all the outputs from the helper functions to define diabetes type for each individual. Diabetes type is classified as “T1D” if:

  • only_insulin_purchases == TRUE & any_t1d_primary_diagnoses == TRUE
  • Or only_insulin_purchases == FALSE & any_t1d_primary_diagnoses == TRUE & type_diagnosis_majority == TRUE & insulin_is_two_thirds_of_gld_doses == TRUE & insulin_purchases_within_180_days == TRUE

get_diabetes_type() returns a data.frame with one row per pnr number and four columns: pnr, stable_inclusion_date, raw_inclusion_date & diabetes_type. This is the final product of the OSDC algorithm. See the vignette("design") for an more detail on the two inclusion dates and their intended use-cases.

Flow of functions for classifying diabetes status using the osdc package.
Flow of functions for classifying diabetes status using the osdc package.

Type 1 classification

The details for the classification of type 1 diabetes is described in vignette("design"). To classify whether an individual has T1D, the OSDC algorithm includes the following criteria:

  1. get_t1d_primary_diagnosis(), which relies on the hospital diagnoses extracted from lpr_diag (LPR2) and diagnoser (LPR3) in the previous steps.
  2. get_only_insulin_purchases() which relies on the GLD purchases from Lægemiddeldatabasen to get patients where all GLD purchases are insulin only.
  3. get_majority_of_t1d_diagnoses() (as compared to T2D diagnoses) which again relies on primary hospital diagnoses from LPR.
  4. get_insulin_purchase_within_180_days() which relies on both diagnosis from LPR and GLD purchases from Lægemiddeldatabasen.
  5. get_insulin_is_two_thirds_of_gld_doses which relies on the GLD purchases from Lægemiddeldatabasen.

Note the following hierarchy in first function above: First, the function checks whether the individual has primary diagnoses from endocrinological specialty. If that’s the case for a given person, the check of whether they have a majority of T1D primary diagnoses are based on data from endocrinological specialty. If that’s not the case, the check will be based on primary diagnoses from medical specialties.

Type 2 classification

As described in the vignette("design"), individuals not classified as type 1 cases are classified as type 2 cases.