flowchart LR main(("ResearchOps")) --> guides("Guidelines\nand templates") main --> tools("Tools") main --> data-ops("Data Operations") main --> social-relations("Social\nrelations") main --> proj-management("Project\nmanagement") main --> capabilities("Capabilities and\nopportunities") main --> organizational("Organizational\nmanagement") tools --> seedcase["Seedcase"]:::wip guides --> common-docs["Common Docs"]:::wip data-ops --> seedcase capabilities --> r-courses["Reproducible Research\nin R courses"]:::wip %% To add later? %% main --> knowledge-management("Knowledge\nmanagement") %% software("Software") --> automation["Automation"] %% data-ops --> data-management["Data management"] %% logistics --> participant-recruitment["Participant\nrecruitment"] classDef wip stroke:#000,stroke-width:1.2px click seedcase "https://seedcase-project.org/" "Seedcase Project" click common-docs "https://steno-aarhus.github.io/research/" "Steno Common Docs" click r-courses "https://r-cubed.rostools.org/" "r-cubed courses"
Research Operations
Refining, simplifying, and streamlining the entire research lifecycle.
This is very much a work-in-progress!
Research Operations (ResearchOps) is about designing and building (or improving) the social, organizational, and technical infrastructures that underlie the research lifecycle to be simpler, easier, and faster.
The main aim is to reduce non-creative or non-social work at SDCA by automating or streamlining them, as well as to provide training, documentation, and templates to simplify work that can’t be automated or streamlined.
How will this help out at SDCA? By making the research lifecycle the focus for our work, we can do research (and other tasks) at Steno faster, better, and easier.
Our current focuses
- Collaborate with researchers and staff to identify tasks that are repetitive and/or done regularly, and try to convert them to easier and faster
- Work with researchers to help convert intensive, time-consuming analyses to be faster
- Develop and run training sessions or tutorials on different aspects within ResearchOps
Send us ideas for work!
If you have any tasks or activities that you do fairly often, that is repetitive, that doesn’t require much creative work, or that is a complex analytical (not statistical) coding problem, maybe we can work together to help out! Let us know by filling in the form below and we can set up a time to chat about it!