Steno Register-based Project: Interplay between diabetes and intergenerational transmission of health determinants over the life course
The sidebar contains the applications sent to each of the different. If you want to browse all the variables and registers we’ve requested, use the table below.
Searchable table
Full variable list
Register ID | Register | Variable | Start year | End year | Description | Database Table |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | ALDER_ULT_INK | 1991 | 2018 | Age of the person at the time of reference, 31. 12. year in question | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | BESKST | 1976 | 2001 | Employment status 1980 to 2001 (Income / AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | BESKST02 | 2002 | 2013 | Employment status from 2002 (Income / AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | BESKST13 | 1991 | 2018 | Code for the person’s main source of income (INCOME / AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | BRCHL | 1976 | 1999 | Industry code for employee | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | DISCO08_ALLE_INDK | 2010 | 2013 | Professional classification for employment conditions, from 2010 (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | DISCO08_ALLE_INDK_13 | 2010 | 2018 | Subject code for most important employment in the year - from 2010 (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | DISCO08_SEL_INDK | 2010 | 2018 | Subject code for work in self-employment (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | DISCOALLE_INDK | 1993 | 2009 | Professional classification for employment conditions, from 1991 TO 2009 (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | DISCOLOEN_INDK | 1991 | 2009 | Subject code for most important employee employment in the year. (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | DISCOSEL_INDK | 1991 | 2009 | Subject code for work in self-employment (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | DISCOTYP | 1991 | 2018 | Source for employee DISCO code (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | DISCO_ALLE_INDK_13 | 1991 | 2009 | Professional classification for employment conditions, from 1991 TO 2009 (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | FUNK_TIMEANT | 2008 | 2018 | The person’s total number of working hours per year. | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | NACEA | 1992 | 2007 | Industry grouping for workplace (1993 to 2007) (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | NACEA_DB07 | 2007 | 2018 | Industry grouping for workplace (from 2007) (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | NACEI | 1993 | 2007 | Industry code for the business of self-employed and employed spouses (1993 to 2007) (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | NACEI_DB07 | 2007 | 2018 | Industry grouping for owner (Self-employed or assisting spouse) (from 2007) (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | NACE_13 | 1993 | 2007 | Industry for main employment, from 1993 to 2007 (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | NACE_DB07 | 2007 | 2013 | Industry for most important employment, from 2008-2013 (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | NACE_DB07_13 | 2007 | 2018 | Industry for most important employment, from 2007 (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | NYSTGR | 1980 | 1999 | Job grouping 1980 to 1995 (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | PNR | 1976 | 2018 | Social security number | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | SOCIO | 1994 | 2001 | Socio-economic classification from 1994 to 2001 (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | SOCIO02 | 2002 | 2013 | Socio-economic classification from 2002 (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | SOCIO13 | 1991 | 2018 | Socio-economic classification version 2013 (AKM) | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | SOCIO_GL | 1976 | 1990 | Socio-economic classification from 1976 to 1990 | |
AKM | Arbejdsklassifikationsmodulet | TYP | 1980 | 1999 | Job type | |
BEF | Befolkningen | AEGTE_ID | 1985 | 2020 | Spouse ID | |
BEF | Befolkningen | ALDER | 1985 | 2020 | Age per 1st of January. | |
BEF | Befolkningen | ANTBOERNF | 1985 | 2020 | Number of children in the family | |
BEF | Befolkningen | ANTBOERNH | 1985 | 2020 | Number of children in the household | |
BEF | Befolkningen | ANTEFAM | 1985 | 2020 | Number of E-families in the household | |
BEF | Befolkningen | ANTPERSF | 1985 | 2020 | Number of people in the family | |
BEF | Befolkningen | ANTPERSH | 1985 | 2020 | Number of persons in the household | |
BEF | Befolkningen | BOP_VFRA | 1985 | 2020 | Date of move-in / immigration | |
BEF | Befolkningen | CIVST | 1985 | 2020 | Marital status | |
BEF | Befolkningen | CIV_VFRA | 1985 | 2020 | Marital status date | |
BEF | Befolkningen | E_FAELLE_ID | 1985 | 2020 | E_common | |
BEF | Befolkningen | FAMILIE_ID | 1985 | 2020 | Family identification number. | |
BEF | Befolkningen | FAMILIE_TYPE | 1985 | 2020 | Family type | |
BEF | Befolkningen | FAM_KOEN | 1985 | 2020 | Gender for the main character in the family | |
BEF | Befolkningen | FAR_ID | 1985 | 2020 | Father’s Person Id | |
BEF | Befolkningen | FM_MARK | 1985 | 2020 | Parental marking | |
BEF | Befolkningen | FOEDREG_KODE | 1985 | 2020 | Code of the person’s place of birth. | |
BEF | Befolkningen | FOED_DAG | 1985 | 2020 | Date of birth | |
BEF | Befolkningen | FOERSTE_INDVANDRING | 2004 | 2020 | First date of immigration | |
BEF | Befolkningen | HUSTYPE | 1985 | 2020 | Household type | |
BEF | Befolkningen | IE_TYPE | 1985 | 2020 | Immigrants, descendants, persons of Danish origin | |
BEF | Befolkningen | KOEN | 1985 | 2020 | Sex | |
BEF | Befolkningen | KOM | 1985 | 2020 | No label | |
BEF | Befolkningen | MOR_ID | 1985 | 2020 | Mother’s Person Id | |
BEF | Befolkningen | OPHOLDMD_DK | 1985 | 2020 | Residence time in months | |
BEF | Befolkningen | OPR_LAND | 1985 | 2020 | Country of origin | |
BEF | Befolkningen | PLADS | 1985 | 2020 | Family status | |
BEF | Befolkningen | PNR | 1985 | 2020 | Social security number | |
BEF | Befolkningen | REFERENCETID | 1985 | 2020 | Reference time or period | |
BEF | Befolkningen | REG | 1985 | 2020 | Region | |
BEF | Befolkningen | SENESTE_INDVANDRING | 2004 | 2020 | Latest immigration date | |
BEF | Befolkningen | STATSB | 1985 | 2020 | Citizenship | |
BEF | Befolkningen | VAN_VTIL | 1985 | 2003 | Date of immigration | |
DOD | Døde i Danmark | ALDER_HAEND | 2019 | 2019 | Age at time of event | |
DOD | Døde i Danmark | DODDATO | 2019 | 2019 | Date of death | |
DOD | Døde i Danmark | PNR | 2019 | 2019 | Social security number | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_BOPKOM | 2018 | 2018 | C_BOPKOM | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_DODSMAADE | 2018 | 2018 | Mode of death | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_DODSSTED | 2018 | 2018 | Place of death | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_DODTILGRUNDL_ACME | 2018 | 2018 | Underlying cause of death according to ACME | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_DOD_1A | 2018 | 2018 | C_DOD_1A | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_DOD_1B | 2018 | 2018 | C_DOD_1B | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_DOD_1C | 2018 | 2018 | C_DOD_1C | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_DOD_1D | 2018 | 2018 | C_DOD_1D | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_DOD_21 | 2018 | 2018 | C_DOD_21 | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_DOD_22 | 2018 | 2018 | C_DOD_22 | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_DOD_23 | 2018 | 2018 | C_DOD_23 | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_DOD_24 | 2018 | 2018 | C_DOD_24 | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_DOD_25 | 2018 | 2018 | C_DOD_25 | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_DOD_26 | 2018 | 2018 | C_DOD_26 | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_DOD_27 | 2018 | 2018 | C_DOD_27 | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_DOD_28 | 2018 | 2018 | C_DOD_28 | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_LISTE14 | 2018 | 2018 | Diagnostic group, 14-list | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_LISTE49 | 2018 | 2018 | Diagnostic group, 49-list | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_LISTEA | 2018 | 2018 | C_LISTEA | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_LISTEB | 2018 | 2018 | C_LISTEB | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | C_SEX | 2018 | 2018 | C_SEX | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | D_DODSDATO | 2018 | 2018 | D_DODSDATO | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | D_FINDEDATO | 2018 | 2018 | D_FINDEDATO | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | PNR | 2018 | 2018 | Social security number | |
DODSAASG | Dødsårsagsregister | V_ALDER | 2018 | 2018 | V_ALDER | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMAEKVIVADISP | 1990 | 2009 | Equivalent disposable income for the family | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMAEKVIVADISP_13 | 1987 | 2018 | Equivalent disposable income for the family | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMAEKVIVAINDKNETTO | 1990 | 2009 | Equivalent total income with net interest for the family | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMBOLIGFORM | 2000 | 2018 | Family form of housing | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMBOLIGTYPE | 2000 | 2018 | Family housing type | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMBRUTTOINDK | 1990 | 2009 | Gross income for the family | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMDISPONIBEL | 1990 | 2009 | Disposable income for the family | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMDISPONIBEL_13 | 1987 | 2018 | Disposable income | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMHOEJSTUDDA | 2000 | 2018 | Highest education for the adults in the family | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMILIE_ID | 1987 | 2018 | Family identification number. | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMINDKOMSTIALT | 1990 | 2009 | Total family income before tax | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMINDKOMSTIALT_13 | 1987 | 2018 | Total income before taxes, etc. | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMLOENMV | 1990 | 2009 | Total wage income in the family | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMLOENMV_13 | 1987 | 2018 | Total wage income in the family | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMSAMLETINDK | 1990 | 2009 | Total income for the family | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMSKATFRIYD | 1990 | 2009 | Tax-free income in the family | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMSOCIOGRUP | 1994 | 2009 | The family’s socio-economic group | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMSOCIOGRUP_13 | 1993 | 2018 | The family’s socio-economic group Def13 | |
FAIK | Familieindkomster | FAMTYPE | 1987 | 2018 | family type | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | ADRDATO | 1980 | 2007 | Relocation date to the address | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | AEGTEFAELLE_ID | 1980 | 2007 | Spouse Person Id | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | ALDER | 1980 | 2007 | Age per 1st of January. | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | A_FAMILIE_ID | 1980 | 2007 | A-family Id | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | A_STATUS | 1980 | 2007 | A-family status | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | A_TYPE | 1980 | 2007 | A-family type | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | BOPIKOM | 1980 | 2007 | Address (road, house number, house letter, floor, side / door number) | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | CIVDATO | 1980 | 2007 | Marital status date | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | CIVST | 1980 | 2007 | Marital status | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | C_FAELLE_ID | 1980 | 2007 | Partner Id | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | C_FAMILIE_ID | 1980 | 2007 | -familie_Id | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | C_STATUS | 1980 | 2007 | C-family status | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | C_TYPE | 1980 | 2007 | C-family type | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | D_ANT_FAM | 1980 | 2007 | Number of D families in the household | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | D_FAMILIE_ID | 1980 | 2007 | D-family Id | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | D_TYPE | 1980 | 2007 | D-family type | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | FAR_ID | 1980 | 2007 | Father’s Person Id | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | FHART | 1980 | 2007 | Communal household type | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | FMMARK | 1980 | 2007 | Parental marking | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | FODREG | 1980 | 2007 | Code of birth registration place | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | H_TYPE | 1980 | 2007 | Household type | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | INDVDATO | 1980 | 2007 | Date of immigration | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | KOEN | 1980 | 2007 | Sex | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | KOM | 1980 | 2007 | Municipal code | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | MOR_ID | 1980 | 2007 | Mother’s Person Id | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | PNR | 1980 | 2007 | Social security number | |
FAIN | Husstande og familier | STATSB | 1980 | 2007 | Citizenship | |
IEPE | Indvandrere og Efterkommere | GENERATION | 2019 | 2019 | Categorization of 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants (according to DS. Definitio | |
IEPE | Indvandrere og Efterkommere | IE_TYPE | 2019 | 2019 | Immigrants, descendants, persons of Danish origin | |
IEPE | Indvandrere og Efterkommere | OPR_LAND | 2019 | 2019 | Country of origin | |
IEPE | Indvandrere og Efterkommere | PNR | 2019 | 2019 | PNR | |
IND | Indkomst | AEKVIVADISP_13 | 1987 | 2018 | Equivalent disposable income | |
IND | Indkomst | BESKST | 1980 | 2001 | Employment status 1980 to 2001 (Income / AKM) | |
IND | Indkomst | BESKST02 | 2002 | 2013 | Employment status from 2002 (Income / AKM) | |
IND | Indkomst | DISPON_13 | 1980 | 2018 | Income after tax and interest plus calculated rental value of own home. | |
IND | Indkomst | LOENMV | 1980 | 2013 | Total wage income | |
IND | Indkomst | LOENMV_13 | 1980 | 2018 | Total wage income | |
IND | Indkomst | PERINDKP | 1987 | 2018 | Tax personal income calculated by Tax | |
IND | Indkomst | PERSONINDK | 1980 | 2018 | Personal income in total without property income, and before deduction of labor market contributions and special pension contributions. | |
IND | Indkomst | PNR | 1980 | 2018 | Social security number | |
IND | Indkomst | PRE_SOCIO | 1980 | 2018 | Socio-economic classification (Income / AKM) | |
LMDB | Lægemiddeldatabasen | ABC | 1995 | 2019 | ABC code | |
LMDB | Lægemiddeldatabasen | ALDR | 1995 | 2019 | Age at time of delivery | |
LMDB | Lægemiddeldatabasen | APK | 1995 | 2019 | Number of packages | |
LMDB | Lægemiddeldatabasen | ATC | 1995 | 2019 | ATC code detailed (s) | |
LMDB | Lægemiddeldatabasen | ATC1 | 1995 | 2019 | ATC Level 1 (s) | |
LMDB | Lægemiddeldatabasen | ATC2 | 1995 | 2019 | ATC Level 2 (s) | |
LMDB | Lægemiddeldatabasen | ATC3 | 1995 | 2019 | ATC Level 3 (s) | |
LMDB | Lægemiddeldatabasen | ATC4 | 1995 | 2019 | ATC Level 4 (s) | |
LMDB | Lægemiddeldatabasen | DOSFORM | 1995 | 2019 | Pharmaceutical form (s) | |
LMDB | Lægemiddeldatabasen | DOSO | 1995 | 2019 | Dosage code | |
LMDB | Lægemiddeldatabasen | EKSD | 1995 | 2019 | Expedition date | |
LMDB | Lægemiddeldatabasen | EKSP | 1995 | 2019 | Expedition price | |
LMDB | Lægemiddeldatabasen | INDO | 1995 | 2019 | Indication code | |
LMDB | Lægemiddeldatabasen | OVNR | 1995 | 2019 | Prescribed item number | |
LMDB | Lægemiddeldatabasen | PACKSIZE | 1995 | 2019 | Numeric pack size (s) | |
LMDB | Lægemiddeldatabasen | PNR12 | 1995 | 2019 | Social Security number | |
LMDB | Lægemiddeldatabasen | VNR | 1995 | 2019 | Item number (s) | |
LMDB | Lægemiddeldatabasen | VOLUME | 1995 | 2019 | Volume | |
LPR_ADM | Landspatientregistret - administrative oplysninger | C_ADIAG | 1977 | 2018 | Action diagnosis | |
LPR_ADM | Landspatientregistret - administrative oplysninger | C_SEX | 1977 | 2018 | Sex | |
LPR_ADM | Landspatientregistret - administrative oplysninger | C_SPEC | 1977 | 2018 | Special code | |
LPR_ADM | Landspatientregistret - administrative oplysninger | D_INDDTO | 1977 | 2018 | Date of admission | |
LPR_ADM | Landspatientregistret - administrative oplysninger | D_UDDTO | 1977 | 2018 | Date of printing | |
LPR_ADM | Landspatientregistret - administrative oplysninger | PNR | 1977 | 2018 | Social security number | |
LPR_ADM | Landspatientregistret - administrative oplysninger | RECNUM | 1977 | 2018 | LPR ID number | |
LPR_ADM | Landspatientregistret - administrative oplysninger | V_INDMINUT | 1994 | 2018 | Admission minute | |
LPR_ADM | Landspatientregistret - administrative oplysninger | V_INDTIME | 1977 | 2018 | Time of admission | |
LPR_BES | Landspatientregistret - ambulante besøgsdatoer | D_AMBDTO | 1994 | 2018 | Date of outpatient visit | |
LPR_BES | Landspatientregistret - ambulante besøgsdatoer | RECNUM | 1994 | 2018 | LPR ID number | |
LPR_DIAG | Landspatientregistret - diagnoser | C_DIAG | 1977 | 2018 | Diagnostic code | |
LPR_DIAG | Landspatientregistret - diagnoser | C_DIAGMOD | 1977 | 1994 | Diagnostic modification | |
LPR_DIAG | Landspatientregistret - diagnoser | C_DIAGTYPE | 1977 | 2018 | Type of diagnosis | |
LPR_DIAG | Landspatientregistret - diagnoser | C_TILDIAG | 1995 | 2018 | Additional diagnosis | |
LPR_DIAG | Landspatientregistret - diagnoser | RECNUM | 1977 | 2018 | LPR ID number | |
LPR_OPR | Landspatientregistret - operationer efter ICD8 klassifikationen | C_OPR | 1977 | 2017 | Operation code | |
LPR_OPR | Landspatientregistret - operationer efter ICD8 klassifikationen | RECNUM | 1977 | 2017 | LPR ID number | |
LPR_SKSUBE | Landspatientregistret - undersøgelser og behandlinger | D_ODTO | 1999 | 2018 | Procedure date (examination & treatment) | |
LPR_SKSUBE | Landspatientregistret - undersøgelser og behandlinger | RECNUM | 1999 | 2018 | LPR ID number | |
SHSS | Sammenhængende socialstatistik | BEL_ALD | 1984 | 2007 | Annually paid amount on national pension. | |
SHSS | Sammenhængende socialstatistik | BEL_ARB | 1984 | 2007 | Annually paid unemployment benefits | |
SHSS | Sammenhængende socialstatistik | BEL_BAR | 1984 | 2007 | Annually paid maternity / paternity benefits | |
SHSS | Sammenhængende socialstatistik | BEL_LYD | 2001 | 2007 | Annually paid unemployment benefit | |
SHSS | Sammenhængende socialstatistik | BEL_ORL | 1995 | 2007 | Annually paid amount on leave benefit | |
SHSS | Sammenhængende socialstatistik | BEL_SYG | 1984 | 2007 | Annually paid amount of sickness benefits | |
SHSS | Sammenhængende socialstatistik | PNR | 1984 | 2007 | Social security number | |
SHSS | Sammenhængende socialstatistik | VAR_ARB | 1984 | 2006 | Annual duration of unemployment benefits | |
SHSS | Sammenhængende socialstatistik | VAR_BAR | 1984 | 2007 | Annual duration with maternity / paternity benefits | |
SHSS | Sammenhængende socialstatistik | VAR_LYD | 2001 | 2007 | Annual duration of unemployment benefit | |
SHSS | Sammenhængende socialstatistik | VAR_ORL_BP | 1995 | 2007 | Duration of childcare leave | |
SSNV | Sammenhængende socialstatistik nettovarigheder | BEL_ARB | 1984 | 2007 | Annually paid unemployment benefits | |
SSNV | Sammenhængende socialstatistik nettovarigheder | BEL_BAR | 1984 | 2007 | Annually paid maternity / paternity benefits | |
SSNV | Sammenhængende socialstatistik nettovarigheder | BEL_LYD | 2001 | 2007 | Annually paid unemployment benefit | |
SSNV | Sammenhængende socialstatistik nettovarigheder | BEL_ORL | 1995 | 2007 | Annually paid amount on leave benefit | |
SSNV | Sammenhængende socialstatistik nettovarigheder | BEL_SYG | 1984 | 2007 | Annually paid amount of sickness benefits | |
SSNV | Sammenhængende socialstatistik nettovarigheder | PNR | 1984 | 2007 | PERSON’S CPR NO | |
SSNV | Sammenhængende socialstatistik nettovarigheder | VARLED | 1984 | 2007 | Annual duration of unemployment benefits | |
SSNV | Sammenhængende socialstatistik nettovarigheder | VAR_BAR | 1984 | 2007 | Annual duration with maternity / paternity benefits | |
SSNV | Sammenhængende socialstatistik nettovarigheder | VAR_LYD | 2001 | 2007 | Annual duration of unemployment benefit | |
SSNV | Sammenhængende socialstatistik nettovarigheder | VAR_ORL_BP | 1995 | 2007 | Duration of childcare leave | |
SSNV | Sammenhængende socialstatistik nettovarigheder | VAR_SYG | 1984 | 2007 | Annual duration of sickness benefits | |
SSSY | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | AFRPER | 2005 | 2019 | Settlement period | |
SSSY | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | BARNMAK | 2005 | 2019 | Child marking | |
SSSY | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | BRUHON | 2005 | 2019 | Gross fees for doctors, etc. | |
SSSY | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | HONUGE | 2005 | 2019 | Honoraruge | |
SSSY | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | KOENIMP | 2005 | 2019 | Gender incl. imputed | |
SSSY | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | KONTAKT | 2005 | 2019 | Contact | |
SSSY | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | PATGRP | 2005 | 2019 | Patient group | |
SSSY | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | PNR | 2005 | 2019 | Social security number | |
SSSY | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | SIKGRUP | 2005 | 2019 | Health insurance group | |
SSSY | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | SPECIALE | 2005 | 2019 | 6-digit specialty | |
SSSY | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | YDERNR | 2005 | 2019 | Outer number | |
SSSY | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | YDERSAMT | 2005 | 2019 | Yders amt | |
SSSY | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | YDLANT | 2005 | 2019 | Number of benefits under the thesis | |
SSSY | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | YDLTID | 2005 | 2019 | Time code for the service | |
SSSY | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | YDTYP | 2005 | 2019 | Outer type | |
SYSI | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | AFRPER | 1990 | 2005 | Settlement period | |
SYSI | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | BARNMAK | 1990 | 2005 | Child marking | |
SYSI | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | BRUHON | 1990 | 2005 | Gross fees for doctors, etc. | |
SYSI | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | HONUGE | 1990 | 2005 | Honoraruge | |
SYSI | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | PATTYP | 1990 | 2005 | Patient type | |
SYSI | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | PNR | 1990 | 2005 | Secured social security number | |
SYSI | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | PRAKTYP | 1990 | 2005 | Type of practice | |
SYSI | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | SIKGRUP | 1990 | 2005 | Security group | |
SYSI | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | SIKREKOM | 1990 | 2005 | Secured municipality | |
SYSI | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | SPECIALE | 1990 | 2005 | 6-digit specialty | |
SYSI | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | YDERNR | 1990 | 2005 | Outer number | |
SYSI | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | YDERSAMT | 1990 | 2005 | Yders amt | |
SYSI | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | YDLANT | 1990 | 2005 | Number of benefits under the thesis | |
SYSI | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | YDLTID | 1990 | 2005 | Time code for the service | |
SYSI | Sygesikring (6-cifret) | YDTYP | 1990 | 2005 | Outer type | |
UDDA | Uddannelser (BUE) | HFAUDD | 1980 | 2019 | Highest completed education | |
UDDA | Uddannelser (BUE) | HF_VFRA | 1980 | 2019 | Time of highest completed education | |
UDDA | Uddannelser (BUE) | PNR | 1980 | 2019 | Social security number | |
UDDA | Uddannelser (BUE) | UDD | 1980 | 2019 | Education code | |
VNDS | Historiske vandringer | HAEND_DATO | 2019 | 2019 | Event date | |
VNDS | Historiske vandringer | INDUD_KODE | 2019 | 2019 | No label | |
VNDS | Historiske vandringer | INDUD_LAND | 2019 | 2019 | No label | |
VNDS | Historiske vandringer | PNR | 2019 | 2019 | Social security number | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | B_KILDE | 2018 | 2018 | Source of child information | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | FAR1 | 2018 | 2018 | Earliest father registered | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | FAR2 | 2018 | 2018 | Latest father | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | FAR_ALDER | 2018 | 2018 | Father’s age | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | FAR_ALDER_ULT | 2018 | 2018 | Father’s age at the end of the year | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | FAR_FOED_ADOP | 2018 | 2018 | Father’s relationship to the child | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | FAR_KOEN | 2018 | 2018 | Father’s gender | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | FAR_VFRA | 2018 | 2018 | No label | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | FOEDAAR | 2018 | 2018 | No label | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | FOEDREG_DK | 2018 | 2018 | Birth registration in Denmark | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | FOEDREG_KODE | 2018 | 2018 | Code of the person’s place of birth. | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | FOED_DAG | 2018 | 2018 | Date of birth | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | F_KILDE | 2018 | 2018 | Source of the father1 information | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | KOEN | 2018 | 2018 | No label | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | MOR1 | 2018 | 2018 | Earliest mother | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | MOR2 | 2018 | 2018 | Latest mother | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | MOR_ALDER | 2018 | 2018 | Mother’s age | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | MOR_ALDER_ULT | 2018 | 2018 | Mother’s age at the end of the year | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | MOR_FOED_ADOP | 2018 | 2018 | Mother’s relationship to the child | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | MOR_KOEN | 2018 | 2018 | No label | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | MOR_VFRA | 2018 | 2018 | No label | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | M_KILDE | 2018 | 2018 | Source of the mother1 information | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | PNR | 2018 | 2018 | Social security number | |
FTBARN | Fertilitet - børn | VAEGT_BARN | 2018 | 2018 | The baby’s birth weight | |
FTDB | Fertilitetsdatabasen børn | ANTAL | 2012 | 2012 | The child’s number at birth | |
FTDB | Fertilitetsdatabasen børn | FAR_KILDE | 2012 | 2012 | Source for information about father | |
FTDB | Fertilitetsdatabasen børn | FODTDATO | 2012 | 2012 | Date of birth - the child | |
FTDB | Fertilitetsdatabasen børn | FODTDK | 2012 | 2012 | Danish born | |
FTDB | Fertilitetsdatabasen børn | FOEDDATF | 2012 | 2012 | Father’s year of birth | |
FTDB | Fertilitetsdatabasen børn | FOEDDATM | 2012 | 2012 | Mother’s year of birth | |
FTDB | Fertilitetsdatabasen børn | FREGKO | 2012 | 2012 | Birth registration code | |
FTDB | Fertilitetsdatabasen børn | FTDB_LBNR | 2012 | 2012 | Serial number for match with MFR | |
FTDB | Fertilitetsdatabasen børn | INDDTO | 2012 | 2012 | Date of immigration | |
FTDB | Fertilitetsdatabasen børn | KQN | 2012 | 2012 | Sex | |
FTDB | Fertilitetsdatabasen børn | MADOPT | 2012 | 2012 | Marking of adoption | |
FTDB | Fertilitetsdatabasen børn | MDOED | 2012 | 2012 | Marking of any death | |
FTDB | Fertilitetsdatabasen børn | MFR_MATCH | 2012 | 2012 | Match type for MFR | |
FTDB | Fertilitetsdatabasen børn | MOR_KILDE | 2012 | 2012 | Source of information about mother | |
FTDB | Fertilitetsdatabasen børn | PNRB | 2012 | 2012 | Social security number, children | |
FTDB | Fertilitetsdatabasen børn | PNRF | 2012 | 2012 | Social security number, father | |
FTDB | Fertilitetsdatabasen børn | PNRM | 2012 | 2012 | Social security number of mother | |
FTDK | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil kvinder | ANTAL | 2012 | 2012 | The child’s number at birth | |
FTDK | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil kvinder | FODTDAT | 2012 | 2012 | Parents’ date of birth | |
FTDK | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil kvinder | FODTDATI | 2012 | 2012 | Parents’ date of birth | |
FTDK | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil kvinder | FODTDATO | 2012 | 2012 | Date of birth - the child | |
FTDK | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil kvinder | FORLDRE | 2012 | 2012 | Parent gender, mother or father | |
FTDK | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil kvinder | FREGKO | 2012 | 2012 | Birth registration code | |
FTDK | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil kvinder | FTDB_LBNR | 2012 | 2012 | Serial number for match with MFR | |
FTDK | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil kvinder | KQN | 2012 | 2012 | Sex | |
FTDK | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil kvinder | MADOPT | 2012 | 2012 | Marking of adoption | |
FTDK | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil kvinder | PNRBARN | 2012 | 2012 | Social security number, children | |
FTDK | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil kvinder | PNRFLDR | 2012 | 2012 | Pnr, parent | |
FTDK | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil kvinder | PNRINV | 2012 | 2012 | Social security number - the parent’s partner | |
FTDM | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil mænd | FODTDAT | 2012 | 2012 | Parents’ date of birth | |
FTDM | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil mænd | FODTDATI | 2012 | 2012 | Parent partner’s date of birth | |
FTDM | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil mænd | FODTDATO | 2012 | 2012 | Date of birth - the child | |
FTDM | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil mænd | FORLDRE | 2012 | 2012 | Parent gender, mother or father | |
FTDM | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil mænd | FREGKO | 2012 | 2012 | Birth registration code | |
FTDM | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil mænd | KQN | 2012 | 2012 | Sex | |
FTDM | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil mænd | MADOPT | 2012 | 2012 | Marking of adoption | |
FTDM | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil mænd | MDOED | 2012 | 2012 | Marking of any death | |
FTDM | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil mænd | PNRBARN | 2012 | 2012 | Social security number, children | |
FTDM | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil mænd | PNRFLDR | 2012 | 2012 | Pnr, parent | |
FTDM | Fertilitetsdatabasen paritetsfil mænd | PNRINV | 2012 | 2012 | Social security number - the parent’s partner | |
FTFORAEL | Fertilitet - forælder | ADOP | 2018 | 2018 | ADOP | |
FTFORAEL | Fertilitet - forælder | DOED_DATO | 2018 | 2018 | Date of death of the child | |
FTFORAEL | Fertilitet - forælder | ENKELT_PARITET | 2018 | 2018 | Single parity | |
FTFORAEL | Fertilitet - forælder | FOED_DAG | 2018 | 2018 | Date of birth | |
FTFORAEL | Fertilitet - forælder | FORAELDER_PNR | 2018 | 2018 | Foraelder_pnr | |
FTFORAEL | Fertilitet - forælder | MDOED | 2018 | 2018 | Marking of any death | |
FTFORAEL | Fertilitet - forælder | MOR_FAR | 2018 | 2018 | Specifies whether foraelder_id’s mother or father | |
FTFORAEL | Fertilitet - forælder | PNR | 2018 | 2018 | Social security number | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | B_AMBULANT | 1996 | 1996 | Planned birth | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | B_FLERFOLD | 1996 | 1996 | Multiple birth | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | B_NORMAL | 1996 | 1996 | Normal birth | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | B_PARTUS | 1996 | 1996 | Spontaneous birth | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | B_RISIKO | 1996 | 1996 | Risk behavior before birth | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | B_RYGER | 1996 | 1996 | Smoker | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | B_SAMADR | 1996 | 1996 | The parents cohabiting at birth | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | B_SECTIOF | 1996 | 1996 | Cohabiting parents at birth | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | C_CIVSTD | 1996 | 1996 | Mother’s marital status | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | C_PLAC | 1996 | 1996 | Placement of the child in multiple births | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | D_FODDTO | 1996 | 1996 | Date of birth - the child | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | V_ANTAL | 1996 | 1996 | Number of children at birth | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | V_FALDER | 1996 | 1996 | Father’s age | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | V_FCPR | 1996 | 1996 | Father’s social security number | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | V_GRAV | 1996 | 1996 | Number of previous pregnancies | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | V_MALDER | 1996 | 1996 | Mother’s age | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | V_MCPR | 1996 | 1996 | Mother’s Social Security Number | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | V_PABORT | 1996 | 1996 | Number of previously provoked abortions | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | V_SABORT | 1996 | 1996 | Number of previous miscarriages | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | V_TIDLDOD | 1996 | 1996 | Number of previous stillbirths | |
LPRMFRDF | Dødfødte ud fra LPR | V_TIDLLEV | 1996 | 1996 | Number of previous live births | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | B_AMBULANT | 1996 | 1996 | Planned birth | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | B_FLERFOLD | 1996 | 1996 | Multiple birth | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | B_NORMAL | 1996 | 1996 | Normal birth | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | B_RISIKO | 1996 | 1996 | Risk behavior before birth | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | B_RYGER | 1996 | 1996 | Smoker | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | B_SAMADR | 1996 | 1996 | Cohabiting parents at birth | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | C_APGAR | 1996 | 1996 | Indication of Apgar score measurement | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | C_BOPKOM | 1996 | 1996 | The mother’s municipality of residence | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | C_CIVSTD | 1996 | 1996 | Maternal marital status at birth | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | C_MISDAN | 1996 | 1996 | Malformation manifestation | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | C_PLAC | 1996 | 1996 | Placement of the child in multiple births | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | D_FODTDTO | 1996 | 1996 | Date of birth | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | K_BCPR | 1996 | 1996 | The child’s social security number | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | V_ANTAL | 1996 | 1996 | Number of children at birth in addition to this | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | V_APGAR1 | 1996 | 1996 | Apgar after 1 minute | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | V_APGAR5 | 1996 | 1996 | Apgar after 5 minutes | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | V_FALDER | 1996 | 1996 | Father’s age (at time of birth) | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | V_FCPR | 1996 | 1996 | Father’s social security number | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | V_LANGDE | 1996 | 1996 | The child’s length in cm. | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | V_MALDER | 1996 | 1996 | Mother’s age (at time of birth) | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | V_MCPR | 1996 | 1996 | Mother’s CPR number | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | V_MISANT | 1996 | 1996 | Number of malformations in the child | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | V_SVLANGDE | 1996 | 1996 | Pregnancy length in weeks | |
LPRMFRLF | Levendefødte ud fra LPR | V_VAGT | 1996 | 1996 | The child’s weight in grams | |
DODSAARS | Dødsårssagsregistret | C_BOPKOM | 2001 | 2001 | C_BOPKOM | |
DODSAARS | Dødsårssagsregistret | C_DOD1 | 2001 | 2001 | C_DOD1 | |
DODSAARS | Dødsårssagsregistret | C_DOD2 | 2001 | 2001 | C_DOD2 | |
DODSAARS | Dødsårssagsregistret | C_DOD3 | 2001 | 2001 | C_DOD3 | |
DODSAARS | Dødsårssagsregistret | C_DOD4 | 2001 | 2001 | C_DOD4 | |
DODSAARS | Dødsårssagsregistret | C_DODSKOM | 2001 | 2001 | Municipality of Death | |
DODSAARS | Dødsårssagsregistret | C_DODSMAADE | 2001 | 2001 | Species of death | |
DODSAARS | Dødsårssagsregistret | C_HANDSTED | 2001 | 2001 | Event of unnatural death | |
DODSAARS | Dødsårssagsregistret | C_LISTE_14 | 2001 | 2001 | C_LISTE_14 | |
DODSAARS | Dødsårssagsregistret | C_LISTE_49 | 2001 | 2001 | C_LISTE_49 | |
DODSAARS | Dødsårssagsregistret | C_LISTE_65 | 2001 | 2001 | C_LISTE_65 | |
DODSAARS | Dødsårssagsregistret | C_SEX | 2001 | 2001 | Sex | |
DODSAARS | Dødsårssagsregistret | D_DODSDTO | 2001 | 2001 | Date of death | |
DODSAARS | Dødsårssagsregistret | PNR | 2001 | 2001 | Social security number | |
DODSAARS | Dødsårssagsregistret | V_ALDER | 2001 | 2001 | Age | |
IDAN | IDA ansættelser | BRUTTO_GRADAAR | 2008 | 2018 | Gross unemployment rate per year | |
IDAN | IDA ansættelser | BRUTTO_LEDIGHED | 2008 | 2018 | Number of weeks of gross unemployment per year | |
IDAN | IDA ansættelser | PNR | 1980 | 2018 | Social security number | |
IDAN | IDA ansættelser | TIMELON | 1980 | 2007 | Hourly wage in employment | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | AKASAF | 1980 | 2018 | Last year as a member of A-kasse | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | ATPAR | 1980 | 2018 | Number of years as an employee | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | ERHVER79 | 1980 | 2018 | Work experience at the end of 1979 | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | ERHVER_2007 | 2008 | 2018 | Work experience 1980-2007 | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | LEDIGHED_BRUTTO | 2008 | 2018 | Number of weeks of gross unemployment per year | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | LEDIGHED_NETTO | 2008 | 2018 | Number of weeks of net unemployment per year | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | PJOB_DAGE | 2008 | 2018 | Number of days per year employed in the primary job | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | PNR | 1980 | 2018 | Social security number | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | POTLEAR | 1980 | 2007 | Insured / vacant number of years (from 1980) | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | PSOC_STATUS_KODE | 2008 | 2018 | Socio-economic status in the primary job | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | PSUM_BRED | 2008 | 2018 | Wide pay in the primary job | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | PSUM_SMAL | 2008 | 2018 | Narrow salary in the primary job | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | SAMLET_BREDT_LOEN_BELOEB | 2008 | 2018 | Total broad salary per year | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | SAMLET_SMALT_LOEN_BELOEB | 2008 | 2018 | Total narrow salary per year | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | SJOB_DAGE | 2008 | 2018 | Number of days per year employed in the secondary job | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | SSOC_STATUS_KODE | 2008 | 2018 | Socio-economic status in the secondary job | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | SSUM_BRED | 2008 | 2018 | Wide pay in the secondary job | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | SSUM_SMAL | 2008 | 2018 | Narrow salary amount in the secondary job | |
IDAP | IDA persondata | SUMGRAD_NETTO | 2008 | 2018 | Total net unemployment (from 1980) | |
LPR_SKSOPR | Landspatientregistret - operationer | C_OPR | 1996 | 2018 | Procedure code number (operation) | |
LPR_SKSOPR | Landspatientregistret - operationer | C_OPRART | 1996 | 2018 | Type of procedure (operation) | |
LPR_SKSOPR | Landspatientregistret - operationer | C_OSGH | 1996 | 2018 | Procedure hospital (operation) | |
LPR_SKSOPR | Landspatientregistret - operationer | C_TILOPR | 1996 | 2018 | Additional code (operation) | |
LPR_SKSOPR | Landspatientregistret - operationer | D_ODTO | 1996 | 2018 | Procedure date (operation) | |
LPR_SKSOPR | Landspatientregistret - operationer | RECNUM | 1996 | 2018 | LPR ID number | |
CPST | CPR Status | AEGTEFAELLE_ID | 1976 | 2007 | Spouse Person Id | |
CPST | CPR Status | CIVDATO | 1976 | 2007 | Marital status date | |
CPST | CPR Status | CIVST | 1976 | 2007 | Marital status | |
CPST | CPR Status | FAR_ID | 1979 | 2007 | PNR for father | |
CPST | CPR Status | MOR_ID | 1979 | 2007 | PNR for mother | |
CPST | CPR Status | PNR | 1976 | 2007 | Social security number | |
CPST | CPR Status | STOPHDTO | 2000 | 2007 | Start date for residence basis | |
CPST | CPR Status | VAN_VFRA | 1979 | 2007 | date of emigration | |
CPST | CPR Status | VAN_VTIL | 1979 | 2007 | Date of immigration | |
BFL | PNR | Personnummer | ||||
BFL | AJO_BREDT_LOENBELOEB | Bredt lønbeløb | ||||
BFL | AJO_SMALT_LOENBELOEB | Smalt lønbeløb | ||||
BFL | AJO_INDBERETTEDE_LOENTIMER | Løntimer på prodjob | ||||
BFL | AJO_LOENTIMER | Løntimer på komprimerede job | ||||
BFL | AJO_LOENTIME_KODE | Løntimer på prodjob | ||||
DREAM | GRAD_:_: | |||||
DREAM | PNR | |||||
DREAM | Y_: | |||||
FRPE | AAR | |||||
FRPE | PNR | |||||
FRPE | AAR | |||||
FRPE | PNR | |||||
LMDB | ATC2 | |||||
LMDB | EKSP | |||||
LMDB | PNR/CPR | |||||
AEREHAB | PNR | Personnummer | ||||
AEREHAB | AEL_KOMKOD | Kommunekode | ||||
AEREHAB | AAR | Register-, eller tællingsår | ||||
AEREHAB | GODKEND_AAR | Angivelse af om kommunen har godkendt hele eller kun dele af året | ||||
AEREHAB | VERSION | Moduldata version | ||||
AEFV | PNR | Personnummer | ||||
AEFV | HÆND_MDR | Hændelses måned | ||||
AEFV | PERPL_VIS | Personlig pleje frit valg | ||||
AEFV | PRAHJ_VIS | Praktisk hjælp frit valg | ||||
AETR | PNR | Personnummer | ||||
AETR | HAEND_MDR | Hændelsesmåned | ||||
AETR | TREAN_ART | Træningsydelse | ||||
AEHJSP | PNR | Personnummer | ||||
AEHJSP | HJEMSYGEP_DATO | Hjemmesygepleje dato | ||||
AEHJSP | IMP_MARK | Imputering | ||||
UDFK | GRUNDSKOLEFAG | Grundskolefag | ||||
UDFK | GRUNDSKOLEKARAKTER | Grundskolekarakter | ||||
UDFK | GRUNDSKOLENIVEAU | Grundskoleniveau | ||||
UDFK | SKALA | Karakterskala | ||||
UDFK | KLTRIN | Klassetrin | ||||
UDFK | SKOLEAAR | Skoleår | ||||
UDFK | KLASSETYPE | Klassetype | ||||
UDG | AUDD | Afsluttende uddannelseskode | ||||
UDG | KARAKTER_UDD | Karaktergennemsnit | ||||
UDG | SKALA | Karakterskala | ||||
KOTRE | AFG_ART | Afgangsart | ||||
KOTRE | AUDD | Afsluttende uddannelseskode | ||||
KOTRE | ELEV3_VFRA | Starttidspunkt (elev3) | ||||
KOTRE | ELEV3_VTIL | Sluttidspunkt (elev3) | ||||
KOTRE | TILG_ART | Tilgangsart? | ||||
KOTRE | UDD | Uddannelseskode | ||||
KOTRE | UDEL | Uddannelsesdel | ||||
SOGN | POSTNR | Postnummer | ||||
SOGN | SOGN | Sogn | ||||
BOERNFB | BORN_VFRA | Indmeldelsestidspunkt | ||||
BOERNFB | BORN_VTIL | Udmeldelsestidspunkt | ||||
BOERNFB | EJER_BP | Ejerform | ||||
BOERNFB | FULDTID_BORN | Barnets fuldtidsgrad/tilknytning til institutionen | ||||
BOERNFB | PASNINGSTILBUD | En kategori for pasningstilbud | ||||
BOERNFB | TIMER | Kommunalt angivet pasningstimer | ||||
BOERNPRI | INST_TYPE_BORNPAS | Institutionstyper for pasning af børn og unge i alderen 0-5 år | ||||
BOERNSB | EJER2 | Angiver om et barn går på kommunal eller selvejedne/privat institution. | ||||
BOERNSB | INSTTYPE2 | Angiver om et banr går i SFO, klub eller fritidshjem. | ||||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | k_cpr | 1970 | -2001 | Deceased’s CPR number. | t_dodsaarsag_1 | |
Dødsårsagsregisteret | d_dodsdto | 1970 | -2001 | Date of the person’s death. | t_dodsaarsag_1 | |
Dødsårsagsregisteret | v_alder | 1970 | -2001 | Indicates the age in whole years of the deceased on his death or find date. | t_dodsaarsag_1 | |
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_sex | 1970 | -2001 | Indicates the sex of the deceased. | t_dodsaarsag_1 | |
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_civstd | 1970 | -2001 | Indicates the marital status of the deceased. | t_dodsaarsag_1 | |
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_bopkom | 1970 | -2001 | The municipality in which the deceased resided. | t_dodsaarsag_1 | |
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_bobamt | 1970 | -2001 | County of the deceased’s residence. | t_dodsaarsag_1 | |
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_bobamt | 1979 | -2001 | County of the deceased’s residence. | t_dodsaarsag_1 | |
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod1 | 1970 | -2001 | The underlying cause of death (TD) is the disease, condition or event that starts and is a prerequisite for the inevitable further sequence of conditions leading to death. This general principle is common to natural and non-natural death. In general, TD can be identified by going back in the causal chain from the immediate cause of death. The underlying cause of death must always be stated on the death certificate. In the Cause of Death Register, the underlying cause of death is registered for persons who: • died in Denmark in the period from and with 1970 • had a Danish civil registration number • had an address in a Danish municipality at the time of death | t_dodsaarsag_1 | |
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod2 | 1970 | -2001 | Supplementary cause of death. | t_dodsaarsag_1 | |
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod3 | 1970 | -2001 | Supplementary cause of death. | t_dodsaarsag_1 | |
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod4 | 1970 | -2001 | Supplementary cause of death. | t_dodsaarsag_1 | |
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_liste_14 | 1970 | -2001 | t_dodsaarsag_1 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_liste_49 | 1970 | -2001 | t_dodsaarsag_1 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_liste_65 | 1970 | -2001 | t_dodsaarsag_1 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dodsmaade | 1970 | -2001 | t_dodsaarsag_1 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dodskom | 1970 | -2001 | Death municipality use the variable c_drg. | t_dodsaarsag_1 | |
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dodskom | 1971 | -2001 | Death municipality use the variable c_drg. | t_dodsaarsag_1 | |
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_handsted | 1970 | -2001 | Describes where the person passed away in the case of an unnatural death. | t_dodsaarsag_1 | |
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_handsted | 1971 | -2001 | Describes where the person passed away in the case of an unnatural death. | t_dodsaarsag_1 | |
Dødsårsagsregisteret | v_pid | 1970 | -2001 | The person’s encrypted CPR number. | t_dodsaarsag_1 | |
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod_1a | 2002 | The code indicates the contributing cause of death for the death, ie the disease that contributed to the immediate cause of death. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod_1b | 2002 | The code indicates the contributing cause of death for the death, ie the disease that contributed to the immediate cause of death. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod_1c | 2002 | The code indicates the contributing cause of death for the death, ie the disease that contributed to the immediate cause of death. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod_1d | 2002 | The underlying cause of death is the illness or injury that initiates a sequence of illnesses or events that directly lead to the immediate cause of death - or the circumstances surrounding an accident or violence that caused the fatal injury. it is formed on the basis of the diagnoses from LPR. Determined by the DRG group. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod_21 | 2002 | The code indicates a contributing cause of death for the death. These may be morbid conditions which have impaired the person’s resilience and indirectly accelerated the course of the disease, or abuse or damage which may have contributed to the death without being directly included in the main course of death. led to death. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod_22 | 2002 | The code indicates a contributing cause of death for the death. These may be morbid conditions which have impaired the person’s resilience and indirectly accelerated the course of the disease, or abuse or damage which may have contributed to the death without being directly included in the main course of death. led to death. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod_23 | 2002 | The code indicates a contributing cause of death for the death. These may be morbid conditions which have impaired the person’s resilience and indirectly accelerated the course of the disease, or abuse or damage which may have contributed to the death without being directly included in the main course of death. led to death. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod_24 | 2002 | The code indicates a contributing cause of death for the death. These may be morbid conditions which have impaired the person’s resilience and indirectly accelerated the course of the disease, or abuse or damage which may have contributed to the death without being directly included in the main course of death. led to death. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod_25 | 2002 | The code indicates a contributing cause of death for the death. These may be morbid conditions which have impaired the person’s resilience and indirectly accelerated the course of the disease, or abuse or damage which may have contributed to the death without being directly included in the main course of death. led to death. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod_25 | 2002 | The code indicates a contributing cause of death for the death. These may be morbid conditions which have impaired the person’s resilience and indirectly accelerated the course of the disease, or abuse or damage which may have contributed to the death without being directly included in the main course of death. led to death. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod_26 | 2002 | The code indicates a contributing cause of death for the death. These may be morbid conditions which have impaired the person’s resilience and indirectly accelerated the course of the disease, or abuse or damage which may have contributed to the death without being directly included in the main course of death. led to death. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod_26 | 2002 | The code indicates a contributing cause of death for the death. These may be morbid conditions which have impaired the person’s resilience and indirectly accelerated the course of the disease, or abuse or damage which may have contributed to the death without being directly included in the main course of death. led to death. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod_27 | 2002 | The code indicates a contributing cause of death for the death. These may be morbid conditions which have impaired the person’s resilience and indirectly accelerated the course of the disease, or abuse or damage which may have contributed to the death without being directly included in the main course of death. led to death. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod_27 | 2002 | The code indicates a contributing cause of death for the death. These may be morbid conditions which have impaired the person’s resilience and indirectly accelerated the course of the disease, or abuse or damage which may have contributed to the death without being directly included in the main course of death. led to death. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod_28 | 2002 | The code indicates a contributing cause of death for the death. These may be morbid conditions which have impaired the person’s resilience and indirectly accelerated the course of the disease, or abuse or damage which may have contributed to the death without being directly included in the main course of death. led to death. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dod_28 | 2002 | The code indicates a contributing cause of death for the death. These may be morbid conditions which have impaired the person’s resilience and indirectly accelerated the course of the disease, or abuse or damage which may have contributed to the death without being directly included in the main course of death. led to death. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | v_pid | 2002 | Anonymised social security number. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dodssted | 2002 | Indicates the place of death of the deceased in general categories. Hospital or hospice, residential address, known address or place without known address. The place of death is the place where the death occurred. If the death occurred during transport to the hospital, the hospital is also the place of death. For the place of death outside the hospital, it is specified whether it is a nursing home, own home or other. For place of death at the deceased’s residence, simply specify specification own home or If the deceased has been found dead, the place of finding is stated (see the variable c_findested). | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dodtilgrundl_acme | 2002 | The code indicates the underlying cause of death of the death and is the central variable in the cause of death register. The underlying cause of death is the illness or injury that initiates a sequence of illnesses or events that directly lead to the immediate cause of death. appears from the variables c_dod_1 - c_dod_4 must (if they are different from c_dodtilgrundl_acme) be considered as additional causes of death in the process from the underlying cause of death to death. t_dodsaarsag_1 (1970-2001). | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_findested | 2002 | If the deceased has been found dead, the variable indicates the place of death of the deceased in general categories: Hospital or hospice, the residential address, known address or place without known address. See also the variable c_dodssted. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_haendelsessted | 2002 | Indicates in overall categories the place of event of the death if the cause of death is non-natural. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_liste14 | 2002 | The underlying cause of death stated in one of a total of 14 diagnostic groups. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_liste49 | 2002 | The underlying cause of death stated in one of a total of 49 diagnosis groups. The 49 diagnosis groups are also called the DK list. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_listea | 2002 | The underlying cause of death placed in the A and B list. The A and B list is made up of 24 subcategories and 108 subcategories, respectively. The categories are described below. C-list A contains the subcategories (A-groups) For the subcategories, see c_listB. 970 is coded. numbers 971-998. For persons without residence or with unknown residence code 999 | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_listeb | 2002 | The underlying cause of death placed in the A and B list. The A and B list is made up of 24 subcategories and 108 subcategories, respectively. The categories are described below.c_listB contains the subcategories (the B groups). For the subcategories, see c_listA. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_region | 2002 | The variable indicates the deceased’s region of residence. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_sex | 2002 | Indicates the sex of the deceased. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | d_dodsdato | 2002 | Indicates the date of death of the deceased. The time of death is the time when the onset of death is ascertained either according to the cardiac death criterion or the brain death criterion. If the criterion is brain death, the time when doctors after the prescribed examinations have determined the brain death. Circular No. 118 of 25 June on the finding of death in the event of irreversible cessation of all brain function. The field is empty if the deceased has been found dead. See also d_findedato and d_statdato. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | d_statdato | 2002 | Indicates date of death or find. Usually used for inventories over time. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | k_cpr | 2002 | Deceased’s CPR number. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | v_alder | 2002 | Indicates the age of the deceased in the entire year on his date of death or finding. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_bopkom | 2002 | The variable indicates the deceased’s municipality of residence. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Dødsårsagsregisteret | c_dodsmaade | 2002 | Indicates the manner of death. A distinction is made between natural and non-natural death. In the case of non-natural death, it is specified whether it is an accident, act of violence or suicide. Natural death means death due to illness or old age. Non-natural death means death due to external influences. If the manner of death cannot be determined with certainty, this is stated as undisclosed. In the case of non-natural death, the death must always be reported to the police for possible forensic autopsy. This also applies to deaths that occur long after an accident, such as a fall, where the immediate cause of death is pneumonia. | t_dodsaarsag_2 | ||
Det Nationale Diabetesregister | d_blod2i5 | 1990 | If the person meets the inclusion criterion Blood2i5, the variable will contain the date of fulfillment of the criterion. Otherwise the variable will be empty. The criterion blood2i5 is met when you have had at least two blood sugar measurements per year over a five-year period. This criterion follows the calendar year. for fulfillment, the date of the second blood glucose test is the fifth year. | t_diabetes | ||
Det Nationale Diabetesregister | d_blod5i1 | 1990 | Regular measurements of blood sugar are a strong indication that the person in question has diabetes. It is therefore one of several inclusion criteria in the NDR. The criterion blood5i1 is met for a person residing in Denmark and within a period of 365 days have had at least 5 blood glucose measurements performed.The date of fulfillment of the criterion is the date of the fifth of these glucose measurements.If the person meets the inclusion criterion Blood5i1 the variable will contain the date of fulfillment of the criterion. gestational diabetes, which can occur in connection with pregnancy, as gestational diabetes is of a transient nature, women with this diagnosis (ICD8 code: 63474, ICD10 code: DO244) should not be included in the register, therefore all registrations of indicators registrations one year from the date of admission for a contact with gestational diabetes.Other inclusion criteria is indicated by the variables d_blood2i5, d_foot, d_lpr, d_oad and d_ins. | t_diabetes | ||
Det Nationale Diabetesregister | d_dodsdto | 1990 | The variable indicates the date of death of a person included in the register. If the person has not died within the current period limit, the variable will be empty. | t_diabetes | ||
Det Nationale Diabetesregister | d_fodt | 1990 | If a person has received the service Podiatry for Diabetic Patients, it has according to the rules been done according to a medical assessment and he must therefore be considered a diabetic patient and can thus be included in NDR. The criterion podiatry is met for a person living in Denmark and has had at least one service of the type Foot therapy for Diabetic patients.The date of fulfillment of the criterion is the date of the first of these services.If the person meets the inclusion criterion Foot, the variable will contain the date of fulfillment of the criterion.Otherwise the variable will be empty.Only exception is women with indications of gestational diabetes that may occur during pregnancy, as gestational diabetes is transient, women with this diagnosis (ICD8 code: 63474, ICD10 code: DO244) should not be included in the registry. all registrations of indicators registrations one year from the date of admission of a contact with the gestat ionic diabetes.Other inclusion criteria appear from the variables d_blod5i1, d_blod2i5, d_lpr, d_oad and d_ins. Over time, a person can meet several inclusion criteria. | t_diabetes | ||
Det Nationale Diabetesregister | d_inkldto | 1990 | The variable indicates the date on which the person is included in the register. This happens the first time he or she meets one of the total of 6 inclusion criteria blood5i1, blood2i5, podiatry, lpr, oad and ins. The variable is central in the register and is used e.g. calculations prevalence and incidence. The date of possible fulfillment of each of the 6 inclusion criteria is contained in the variables d_blod5i1, d_blod2i5, d_fodt, d_lpr, d_oad and d_ins. 1990. This is because the inclusion of eg LPR data from 1990 corresponds to contacts with a print-out date in 1990. These may well have an enrollment date before 1990, and it is this enrollment date that is used to indicate the date of inclusion. | t_diabetes | ||
Det Nationale Diabetesregister | d_ins | 1990 | If a person regularly redeems a prescription for insulin, it is assumed that he or she is most likely diabetic. The inclusion criterion INS is met for a person who lives in Denmark and within a period of 6 months has redeemed 2 prescriptions on insulin (ATC code A10A *). The date of fulfillment of the criterion is the date of the second of the two prescription redemptions. If the person meets the inclusion criterion INS, the variable will contain the date of fulfillment of the criterion. Otherwise the variable will be empty. indications of gestational diabetes that may occur during pregnancy As gestational diabetes is of a transient nature, women with this diagnosis (ICD8 code: 63474, ICD10 code: DO244) should not be included in the registry. registrations of indicators registrations one year from the date of admission for a contact with gestational diabetes. Other inclusion criteria are stated in variable one d_blod2i5, d_blod5i1, d_fodt, d_lpr, and d_oad. | t_diabetes | ||
Det Nationale Diabetesregister | d_ins | 1994 | If a person regularly redeems a prescription for insulin, it is assumed that he or she is most likely diabetic. The inclusion criterion INS is met for a person who lives in Denmark and within a period of 6 months has redeemed 2 prescriptions on insulin (ATC code A10A *). The date of fulfillment of the criterion is the date of the second of the two prescription redemptions. If the person meets the inclusion criterion INS, the variable will contain the date of fulfillment of the criterion. Otherwise the variable will be empty. indications of gestational diabetes that may occur during pregnancy As gestational diabetes is of a transient nature, women with this diagnosis (ICD8 code: 63474, ICD10 code: DO244) should not be included in the registry. registrations of indicators registrations one year from the date of admission for a contact with gestational diabetes. Other inclusion criteria are stated in variable one d_blod2i5, d_blod5i1, d_fodt, d_lpr, and d_oad. | t_diabetes | ||
Det Nationale Diabetesregister | d_lpr | 1990 | If a person is registered in the hospital system with a diagnosis in the field of diabetes, the person is very likely diabetic and can be included in NDR. Thus, the person meets the inclusion criterion LPR, which is the only inclusion criterion based on specific diagnoses.The criterion LPR is met for a person residing in Denmark and in the National Patient Register is registered once with one of the following diagnostic codes, as either action or co-diagnosis.ICD8 codes: 249 , 250 . SKS codes (based on ICD10): DE10 , DE11 , DE12 , DE13 , DE14 , DO24 , DH360 *. The date of fulfillment of the criterion is the date of registration of the first contact at which such registration took place. LPR is only included from 1990, persons may well perform with an inclusion date before 1990. This is because LPR data from 1990 correspond to contacts with a discharge date in 1990, and these may well have a registration date before 1990. If the person meets the inclusion criterion LPR, the variable will contain the date of fulfillment of the criterion. Otherwise, the variable will be blank. The only exception is women with indications of gestational diabetes, which can occur in connection with pregnancy. As gestational diabetes is transient in nature, women with this diagnosis (ICD8 code: 63474, ICD10 code: DO244) should not be included in the registry. Therefore, all registrations of indicator registrations are disregarded one year from the date of admission for a contact with gestational diabetes. Other inclusion criteria appear from the variables d_blod5i1, d_blod2i5, d_fodt, d_lpr, d_oad and d_ins. Over time, a person can meet several inclusion criteria. | t_diabetes | ||
Det Nationale Diabetesregister | d_oad | 1990 | If a person regularly redeems a prescription for oral antidiabetics (tablet treatment), it is assumed that he or she is most likely diabetic. The inclusion criterion OAD is met for a person residing in Denmark and within a period of 6 months has redeemed 2 prescriptions for oral antidiabetics (ATC code A10B *). The date of fulfillment of the criterion is the date of the other of the two prescription redemptions. If the person meets the inclusion criterion OAD, the variable will contain the date of fulfillment of the criterion. Otherwise the variable will be empty. However, there are two exceptions: 1. Women with indications of gestational diabetes that may occur during pregnancy As gestational diabetes is of a transient nature, women with this diagnosis (ICD8 code: 63474, ICD10 code: DO244) should not therefore all registrations of indicators registrations one year from the date of admission for a contact with gestational dia are disregarded betes.2.The redemption of prescriptions of antidiabetics for women aged 20-39 is also disregarded. This is because women with PCO (polycystic ovary syndrome) are increasingly being treated with oral antidiabetic (tablet treatment). The majority of these women do not have diabetes and should therefore not be included in the National Diabetes Register. To avoid incorrectly including a group without diabetes in the register, it has therefore been chosen to exclude all women with tablet-treated diabetes aged 20-39 years, and who only meet the criterion OAD. Other inclusion criteria appear from the variables d_blod2i5, d_blod5i1, d_fodt, d_lpr , and d_ins. | t_diabetes | ||
Det Nationale Diabetesregister | d_oad | 1994 | If a person regularly redeems a prescription for oral antidiabetics (tablet treatment), it is assumed that he or she is most likely diabetic. The inclusion criterion OAD is met for a person residing in Denmark and within a period of 6 months has redeemed 2 prescriptions for oral antidiabetics (ATC code A10B *). The date of fulfillment of the criterion is the date of the other of the two prescription redemptions. If the person meets the inclusion criterion OAD, the variable will contain the date of fulfillment of the criterion. Otherwise the variable will be empty. However, there are two exceptions: 1. Women with indications of gestational diabetes that may occur during pregnancy As gestational diabetes is of a transient nature, women with this diagnosis (ICD8 code: 63474, ICD10 code: DO244) should not therefore all registrations of indicators registrations one year from the date of admission for a contact with gestational dia are disregarded betes.2.The redemption of prescriptions of antidiabetics for women aged 20-39 is also disregarded. This is because women with PCO (polycystic ovary syndrome) are increasingly being treated with oral antidiabetic (tablet treatment). The majority of these women do not have diabetes and should therefore not be included in the National Diabetes Register. To avoid incorrectly including a group without diabetes in the register, it has therefore been chosen to exclude all women with tablet-treated diabetes aged 20-39 years, and who only meet the criterion OAD. Other inclusion criteria appear from the variables d_blod2i5, d_blod5i1, d_fodt, d_lpr , and d_ins. | t_diabetes | ||
Det Nationale Diabetesregister | v_cpr | 1990 | The variable indicates the civil registration number for persons included in the NDR. Since the variable indicates individuals, it is central in all types of calculations and calculations. The variable is also a key variable when linking the tables td_diabetes and dt_bopael. | t_diabetes | ||
Det Nationale Diabetesregister | v_inklaarsag | 1990 | The variable indicates which of the total of 6 inclusion criteria the person met when he or she was included in the NDR. The inclusion in the NDR occurs the first time the person meets one of the total of 6 inclusion criteria blood5i1, blood2i5, foot therapy, lpr, oad and ins The date for this is the value of the variable d_inkldto.The 6 inclusion criteria are described in more detail in the overall description of NDR and each in the description of the variables d_blod5i1, d_blod2i5, d_fodt, d_lpr, d_oad and d_ins. | t_diabetes | ||
PLH | d_fraflyt_dato | 2014 | ophold_plejehjem | |||
PLH | d_tilflyt_dato | 2014 | ophold_plejehjem | |||
PLH | plejehjemsnavn | 2014 | ophold_plejehjem | |||
PLH | v_pnr | 2014 | ophold_plejehjem | |||
DRG | v_cpr | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_adiag | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_akut | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_blok | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_dia1 | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_dia2 | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_dia3 | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_drg | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_graa | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_hdiag | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_henm | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_indm | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_oprart1 | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_oprart2 | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_oprart3 | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_pattype | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_plejeboligkode | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_proc1 | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_proc2 | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_proc3 | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_region | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_sgh | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_sghafd | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_spec | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_udm | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_udmf | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_udsktype | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | d_inddto | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | d_uddto | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | d_uddtof | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_behdage | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_indtime | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_langpris | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_pris | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_recnum | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_sengdage | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_totpris | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_totpris_genop | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_udtime | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_adiag | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_afd | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_akut | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_bestakst | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_bestype | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_casemix | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_dia1 | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_dia2 | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_dia3 | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_dia4 | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_drg | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_graazone | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_indm | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_oprart1 | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_oprart2 | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_oprart3 | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_pattype | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_proc1 | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_udm | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | d_ambdto | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | d_inddto | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | d_uddto | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_cpr | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_dags_pris | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_indminut | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_indtime | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_pris | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_pris_genop | 2005 | soma_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_cpr | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_adiag | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_drg_psyk | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_sgh | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | d_inddto | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | d_uddto | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_drgpris | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_kompris_drg | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_langpris | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_totpris | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_hel”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_cpr | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_adiag | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_indm | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_pattype | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | c_sgh | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | d_ambdto | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | d_inddto | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | d_uddto | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_aar | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | v_recnum | 2005 | psyk_takst”takstår”_amb”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | adiag_drgsghf | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | afregn_drgsghf | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | afslutning_drgsghf | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | aktivitetsaar | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | antal_i_forlob | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | cpr | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | diagnosekilde_drgsghf | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | drg_drgsghf | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | drg_grouper_drgsghf | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | drg_kontakt_id_drgsghf | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | drgsghforlob_type | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | id | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | indmaade_drgsghf | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | indtidspunkt_drgsghf | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | kontaktaarsag_drgsghf | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | kontaktdage_drgsghf | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | langliggerpris_drgsghf | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | liggedage_drgsghf | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | totalpris_drgsghf | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | udmaade_drgsghf | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | udtidspunkt_drgsghf | 2018 | soma_t18_drgsghforlob”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | adiag | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | afslutning | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | akut_elektiv | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | ambulant_dato | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | blok | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | dia01 | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | dia02 | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | dia03 | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | diagnosekilde | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | drg | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | drg_drgsghf | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | drgsghforlob_id | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | drgsghforlob_nr | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | drgsghforlob_type | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | drgsghforlob_udtidspunkt | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | inddato | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | indmaade | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | indtidspunkt_drgkontakt | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | kontakt_id | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | patienttype | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | pris_drg | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | proc01 | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | proc02 | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | proc03 | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | recnum | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | totalpris_drg | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | uddato | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | udmaade | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | udtidspunkt_drgkontakt | 2018 | soma_t18_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | cpr | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | id | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | drg_kontakt_id_drgsghf | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | adiag_drgsgh_ind | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | adiag_drgsgh_ud | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | adiag_drgsghf | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | afregn_drgsghf | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | afslutning_drgsghf | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | aktivitetsaar | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | antal_i_forlob | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | diagnosekilde_drgsghf | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | drg_drgsghf | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | drgkontakttype_drgsghf | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | indtidspunkt_drgsghf | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | langliggerpris_drgsghf | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | pris_drg_drgsghf | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | pris_drg_grouper_drgsghf | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | sygehus | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | sygehus_region_drgsghf | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | totalpris_drgsghf | soma_l2_t19_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | cpr | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | id | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | drgsghforlob_id | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | adiag | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | akut_elektiv | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | ambulant_dato | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | blok | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | dia01 | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | dia02 | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | dia03 | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | drg_grouper | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | drgkontakttype | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | drgsghforlob_nr | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | drgsghforlob_udtidspunkt | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | inddato | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | indmaade | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | indtidspunkt_drgkontakt | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | kontakt_id | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | patienttype | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | pris_drg | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | proc01 | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | proc02 | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | proc03 | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | recnum | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | sygehus | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | uddato | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | udmaade | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | udtidspunkt_drgkontakt | soma_l2_t19_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | drgsghforlob_id | soma_l2_t19_proc”aktivitetsår” | ||||
DRG | cpr | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgsghfor19 | |||
DRG | adiag_drgsghf | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgsghfor19 | |||
DRG | afslutningsmaade_drgsghf | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgsghfor19 | |||
DRG | aktivitetsaar | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgsghfor19 | |||
DRG | antal_i_forlob | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgsghfor19 | |||
DRG | drg_drgsghf | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgsghfor19 | |||
DRG | drg_kontakt_id_drgsghf | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgsghfor19 | |||
DRG | drgkontakttype_drgsghf | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgsghfor19 | |||
DRG | drgsghforlob_type | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgsghfor19 | |||
DRG | id | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgsghfor19 | |||
DRG | indtidspunkt_drgsghf | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgsghfor19 | |||
DRG | langliggerpris_drgsghf | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgsghfor19 | |||
DRG | pris_drg_drgsghf | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgsghfor19 | |||
DRG | sygdomsforlob_id | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgsghfor19 | |||
DRG | sygehus | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgsghfor19 | |||
DRG | sygehus_region | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgsghfor19 | |||
DRG | totalpris_drgsghf | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgsghfor19 | |||
DRG | cpr | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | afslutningsmaade | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | aktivitetsaar | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | dia01 | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | dia02 | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | dia03 | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | drg | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | drg_drgsghf | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | drgsghforlob_id | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | drgsghforlob_nr | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | henvisningsmaade | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | id | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | langliggerpris | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | pris_drg | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | proc01 | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | proc02 | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | proc03 | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | sygdomsforlob_id | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | sygehus | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | sygehus_region | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | tdia01 | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | tdia02 | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | tdia03 | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | totalpris_drg | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | tungeste_drgkontakt | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | udfaldsgivende_kontakt | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_drgkont19 | |||
DRG | drgsghforlob_id_lpr2 | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_overgang19 | |||
DRG | drg_drgsghf_lpr2 | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_overgang19 | |||
DRG | drg_drgsghf_lpr3 | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_overgang19 | |||
DRG | drgsghforlob_id_lpr3 | 2019 | soma_l3_t19_overgang19 | |||
DRG | adiag_drgsghf | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | afslutningsmaade_drgsghf | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | aktivitetsaar | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | antal_i_forlob | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | drg_drgsghf | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | drg_kontakt_id_drgsghf | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | drgkontakttype_drgsghf | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | drgsghforlob_type | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | henvisningsmaade_drgsghf | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | id | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | indtidspunkt_drgsghf | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | pris_drg_drgsghf | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | sygdomsforlob_id | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | sygehus | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | sygehus_region | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | totalpris_drgsghf | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgsghfor”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | cpr | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | afslutningsmaade | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | aktivitetsaar | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | dia01 | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | dia02 | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | dia03 | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | drg | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | drg_drgsghf | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | drgsghforlob_id | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | drgsghforlob_nr | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | henvisningsmaade | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | id | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | langliggerpris | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | pris_drg | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | proc01 | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | proc02 | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | proc03 | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | sygdomsforlob_id | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | sygehus | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | sygehus_region | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | tdia01 | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | tdia02 | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | tdia03 | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | totalpris_drg | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | tungeste_drgkontakt | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
DRG | udfaldsgivende_kontakt | 2020 | soma_t”takstår”_drgkont”aktivitetsår” | |||
RUKS | cpr | 1995 | kronikere | |||
RUKS | aarsag_tekst | 1995 | kronikere | |||
RUKS | debut | 1995 | kronikere | |||
RUKS | opdateringsdato | 1995 | kronikere | |||
RUKS | status | 1995 | kronikere | |||
RUKS | sygdom | 1995 | kronikere | |||
RUKS | uddato | 1995 | kronikere | |||
LAB | analysiscode | 2008 | lab_dm_forsker | |||
LAB | laboratorium_idcode | 2008 | lab_dm_forsker | |||
LAB | patient_cpr | 2008 | lab_dm_forsker | |||
LAB | referenceinterval_lowerlimit | 2008 | lab_dm_forsker | |||
LAB | referenceinterval_upperlimit | 2008 | lab_dm_forsker | |||
LAB | resulttype | 2008 | lab_dm_forsker | |||
LAB | samplingdate | 2008 | lab_dm_forsker | |||
LAB | samplingtime | 2008 | lab_dm_forsker | |||
LAB | unit | 2008 | lab_dm_forsker | |||
LAB | value | 2008 | lab_dm_forsker | |||
Cancerregisteret | K_CPRNR | 1943 | ||||
Cancerregisteret | K_TUMORNR | 1943 | ||||
Cancerregisteret | D_DIAGNOSEDATO | 1943 | ||||
Cancerregisteret | C_ICD10 | 1978 | ||||
Cancerregisteret | C_MORFO3 | 1978 | ||||
Cancerregisteret | c_udbred | 1943 | ||||
Cancerregisteret | C_UDBRED_KLASSIFIKATION | 2004 | ||||
Cancerregisteret | C_TNM_T | 2004 | ||||
Cancerregisteret | C_TNM_N | 2004 | ||||
Cancerregisteret | C_TNM_M | 2004 | ||||
Cancerregisteret | C_MAKROGRUNDLAG | 1943 | ||||
Cancerregisteret | C_MIKROGRUNDLAG | 1943 | ||||
Cancerregisteret | C_ICD7 | 2002 | ||||
Cancerregisteret | C_DIAGGR_ICD10 | 1978 | ||||
Cancerregisteret | C_ORGGR_ICD10 | 1978 | ||||
Cancerregisteret | D_STATDATO | 1943 | ||||
Cancerregisteret | C_STATUS | 1943 | ||||
Cancerregisteret | c_DIAGGR_Nordcan | 1943 | ||||
LPR_PSYK | PNR | 1995 | ||||
LPR_PSYK | INDL_DATO | 1995 | ||||
LPR_PSYK | UDSK_DATO | 1995 | ||||
LPR_PSYK | bidiagnose1 | 1995 | ||||
LPR_PSYK | bidiagnose2 | 1995 | ||||
LPR_PSYK | bidiagnose3 | 1995 | ||||
LPR_PSYK | Bidiagnose4 | 1995 | ||||
LPR_PSYK | Bidiagnose5 | 1995 | ||||
IVF | c_i_behmade | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | d_i_mfoddto | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | c_i_sektor | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | d_i_cykldto | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_n_modt | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_mcpr | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_ovuldef | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_tubafakt | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_cervfakt | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_mandfakt | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_anamandenfakt | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_uspecfakt | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | d_i_behdto | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_aspir | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | d_i_aspdto | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_n_ocyt | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_donorsd | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_natcyk | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_klomifen | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_klomed | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_hmg_fsh | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_hmgfshmed | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_gnrh_a | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_gnrhmed | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_oestro | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_oestmed | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_progest | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_progmed | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_hcg | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_hcgmed | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_andhorm | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_andhormed | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_ivfmetod | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_icsimetod | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_transfer | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | d_i_transdto | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_ntransf | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_ncryo | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | d_i_mensdto | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_transopt | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_n_opt | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_transudf | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | d_i_modtdto | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_ntrans | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_cryop | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_natcykl | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_hormoest | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_atcoest | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_hormpro | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_atcprog | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_hormgnrh | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_atcgnrh | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_hormand | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_atcand | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_shcgpos | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_overstim | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_infektio | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_cyklaar | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_malder | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_anamnes | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_uoplfakt | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | c_f_bstatus | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_f_blangde | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_f_bcpr | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_f_fcpr | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_f_malder | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | d_f_bfoddto | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_f_bvagt | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | c_f_msgh | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_f_bapgar | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | c_f_bsex | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_f_mparitet | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_f_bflerfold | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_f_bga_dage | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | c_f_bfodstatus | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_f_bfodaar | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_fga_dage | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | c_a_mdiag | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | c_a_mtildiag | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | c_a_msgh | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | d_a_minddto | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | d_a_muddto | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_a_mabortaar | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_a_mga_dage | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | c_a_maborttype | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | c_a_mgravtype | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_i_aga_dage | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_klingrav | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_a_malder | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_aegudt | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | b_i_aegopl | 1994 | t_ivf_register | |||
IVF | v_skemaid | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | d_skemaoprettet_dato | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | d_startdato | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_aar | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | c_sgh | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | c_afd | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | c_ydernr | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_sghnavn | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_cpr | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_alder | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | c_kom | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_hoejde | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_vaegt | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_rygning | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_alkohol | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_samlivs_status | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_partner_cpr | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_partner_alder | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_partner_hoejde | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_partner_vaegt | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_partner_rygning | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_partner_alkohol | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_barnloes_siden | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | b_idiopatisk | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | c_kvinde_primaer | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | c_kvinde_tillaeg | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | c_mand_primaer | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | c_mand_tillaeg | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | c_pgd_diagnose | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | b_pgd_specifik_vaevstype | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | c_pgd_indikation | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | c_behandling | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | b_behandling_afbrudt | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | c_fertilisering | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | c_in_vitro_metode | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | d_iui_dato | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | d_iui_aflyst_dato | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | c_fer_nedfrys_metode | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | c_oocyt_kilde | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | c_oocyt_type | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | b_distribution | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | d_aspiration_dato | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | d_aspiration_aflyst_dato | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | c_aspiration | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_aspiration_antal_oocytter | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | d_transferering_dato | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | d_transferering_aflyst_dato | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_antal_friske | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_elektivt | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_antal_optoede | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_overskydende_embryoner | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_antal_slowfreeze | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_antal_vitrifikation | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_antal_nedfrosset | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | b_assisted_hatching | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | c_komplikation_diagnose | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | d_komplikation_dato | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_proeve_type | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_gravid | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_ultralyd_resultat | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_antal_hjertelyd | 2006 | t_grund | |||
IVF | v_antal_uden_hjertelyd | 2006 | t_grund | |||
Børnedatabasen | cprnummer | 2009 | Barnets CPR-nummer | amning | ||
Børnedatabasen | datostoppet | 2009 | Dato for ophør af fuld amning | amning | ||
Børnedatabasen | foedselsdato | 2009 | Barnets fødselsdato | amning | ||
Børnedatabasen | oprettelsesdato | 2009 | Dato for oprettelse af SEI-skema | amning | ||
Børnedatabasen | koenskode | 2009 | Kode for barnets køn. | amning | ||
Børnedatabasen | koensnavn | 2009 | Barnets køn. | amning | ||
Børnedatabasen | kommunekode | 2009 | Barnets bopælskommune, kodeform | amning | ||
Børnedatabasen | kommunenavn | 2009 | Barnets bopælskommune | amning | ||
Børnedatabasen | regionskode | 2009 | Barnets bopælsregion, kodeform | amning | ||
Børnedatabasen | regionsnavn | 2009 | Barnets bopælsregion | amning | ||
Børnedatabasen | varighed_dage | 2009 | Varighed af fuld amning | amning | ||
Børnedatabasen | cprnummer | 2009 | Barnets CPR-nummer. | rygning | ||
Børnedatabasen | foedselsdato | 2009 | Barnets fødselsdato | rygning | ||
Børnedatabasen | oprettelsesdato | 2009 | Dato for oprettelse af SEI-skema | rygning | ||
Børnedatabasen | koenskode | 2009 | Barnets køn, kodeform | rygning | ||
Børnedatabasen | koensnavn | 2009 | Barnets køn | rygning | ||
Børnedatabasen | kommunekode | 2009 | Barnets bopælskommune, kodeform | rygning | ||
Børnedatabasen | kommunenavn | 2009 | Barnets bopælskommune | rygning | ||
Børnedatabasen | regionskode | 2009 | Barnets bopælsregion, kodeform | rygning | ||
Børnedatabasen | regionsnavn | 2009 | Barnets bopælsregion | rygning | ||
Børnedatabasen | passivrygningkode | 2009 | Udsættelse for tobaksrøg i hjemmet, kodeform | rygning | ||
Børnedatabasen | passivrygningnavn | 2009 | Udsættelse for passiv rygning | rygning | ||
Børnedatabasen | cprnummer | 2009 | Barnets CPR-nummer | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | dato | 2009 | Dato for målingen. | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | oprettelsesdato | 2009 | Dato for oprettelse af SEI-skema. | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | foedselsdato | 2009 | Barnets fødselsdato | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | alder_aar | 2009 | Barnets alder i år | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | Alder-maaned | 2009 | Barnets alder i måneder | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | skolekode | 2009 | Kode for skolen, hvor målingen blev foretaget. | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | skolenavn | 2009 | Skole hvor måling blev foretaget | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | Postdistrikt | 2009 | Skoles postdistrikt | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | koenskode | 2009 | Barnets køn, kodeform | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | koensnavn | 2009 | Barnets køn. | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | skolegruppekode | 2009 | Kode der angiver typen af måling 0: Anden måling 1: Indskolingsmåling (Barnet 6-7 år) 2: Udskolingsmåling (Barnet 14-15 år) | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | skolegruppenavn | 2009 | Er angivet som ““Andet”“,”“Indskoling”” eller ““Udskoling”“. | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | kommunekode | 2009 | Barnets bopælskommune, kodeform (via cpr register) | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | kommunenavn | 2009 | Barnets bopælskommune (via cpr register). | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | regionskode | 2009 | Barnets bopælsregion, kodeform | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | regionsnavn | 2009 | Barnets bopælsregion | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | bmikategorikode | 2009 | Barnets BMI-gruppe, kodeform | |||
““Extended International (IOTF) Body Mass Index Cut-Offs for Thinness, Overweight and Obesity in Children”“: | maalinger | |||||
Børnedatabasen | bmikategorinavn | 2009 | Barnets BMI-gruppe | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | hoejde_cm | 2009 | Barnets højde | maalinger | ||
Børnedatabasen | vaegt_gram | 2009 | Barnets vægt | maalinger | ||
MFR | BMI_Mor | 2019 | BMI mor | nyfoedte | ||
MFR | Hoejde_Mor | 2019 | Højde mor | nyfoedte | ||
MFR | Vaegt_Mor | 2019 | Vægt mor | nyfoedte | ||
MFR | Paritet | 2019 | Antal gennemførte graviditeter for moren inklusiv den aktuelle (-1 = Uoplyst). | nyfoedte | ||
MFR | Bmi_moder | 2003 | -2018 | Moderens BMI | nyfoedte | |
MFR | Hoejde_moder | 2003 | -2018 | Moderens højde | nyfoedte | |
MFR | Vaegt_moder | 2003 | -2018 | Moderens vægt | nyfoedte | |
MFR | Paritet | 1997 | -2018 | Paritet, antal gennemførte graviditeter incl. dødsfødsler ved afslutningen af den aktuelle fødsel, 1=førstegangsfødende, 2=andengangsfødende, 3=trediegangsfødende osv. | nyfoedte | |
DBDD | Pnr | 2021 | personidentifikation | |||
DBDD | Højde | 2021 | Højde | |||
DBDD | Vægt | 2021 | Vægt | |||
DBDD | Insulin regimen | 2021 | Insulin regimen | |||
DBDD | Insulin dosis | 2021 | Insulin dosis | |||
DBDD | HbA1c | 2021 | HbA1c | |||
DBDD | Alv. Hypoglykæmi | 2021 | Alv. Hypoglykæmi | |||
DBDD | Ketoacidose | 2021 | Ketoacidose | |||
DBDD | Pubertet | 2021 | Pubertet | |||
DBDD | Medicin | 2021 | Medicin | |||
DBDD | Rygning | 2021 | Rygning | |||
DBDD | Urin albumin | 2021 | Urin albumin | |||
DBDD | Retinopati | 2021 | Retinopati | |||
DBDD | Neuropati | 2021 | Neuropati | |||
DVDD | CPR-nummer (afidentificeret) | 2001 | 2021 | Personnummer | ||
DVDD | ace_haemmer | 2001 | 2021 | ACE-hæmmer / ATII-receptor-antagonist | ||
DVDD | Afdeling | 2001 | 2021 | Dataindberettende enhed | ||
DVDD | Afdkode | 2001 | 2021 | afdkode | ||
DVDD | Albuminuri | 2001 | 2021 | Albuminuri (værdi) måling 1 | ||
DVDD | albuminuri_dato | 2001 | 2021 | Albuminuridato måling 1 | ||
DVDD | albuminuri_dato2 | 2001 | 2021 | Albuminuridato måling 2 | ||
DVDD | albuminuri_dato3 | 2001 | 2021 | Albuminuridato måling 3 | ||
DVDD | albuminuri_enhed | 2001 | 2021 | Albuminuri, enhed | ||
DVDD | albuminuri_enhed2 | 2001 | 2021 | Albuminuri, enhed | ||
DVDD | albuminuri_enhed3 | 2001 | 2021 | Albuminuri, enhed | ||
DVDD | albuminuri_kode | 2001 | 2021 | Albuminuridato præcision måling 1 | ||
DVDD | albuminuri_kode2 | 2001 | 2021 | Albuminuridato præcision måling 2 | ||
DVDD | albuminuri_kode3 | 2001 | 2021 | Albuminuridato præcision måling 3 | ||
DVDD | albuminuri_naevner4b | 2001 | 2021 | Sat til 1 hvis der er målte 2 eller flere høje albuminuri resultater indenfor 2 år. | ||
DVDD | albuminuri_operator | 2001 | 2021 | Albuminuri operator måling 1 | ||
DVDD | albuminuri_operator2 | 2001 | 2021 | Albuminuri operator måling 2 | ||
DVDD | albuminuri_operator3 | 2001 | 2021 | Albuminuri operator måling 3 | ||
DVDD | albuminuri_text | 2001 | 2021 | Albuminuri textsvar måling 1 | ||
DVDD | albuminuri_text2 | 2001 | 2021 | Albuminuri textsvar måling 2 | ||
DVDD | albuminuri_text3 | 2001 | 2021 | Albuminuri textsvar måling 3 | ||
DVDD | albuminuri2 | 2001 | 2021 | Albuminuri (værdi) måling 2 | ||
DVDD | albuminuri3 | 2001 | 2021 | Albuminuri (værdi) måling 3 | ||
DVDD | Alder | 2001 | 2021 | Alder | ||
DVDD | antihypertensiv_kode | 2001 | 2021 | Antihypertensiv behandling | ||
DVDD | Behandling | 2001 | 2021 | Antidiabetisk behandling | ||
DVDD | blodtryk_dato | 2001 | 2021 | Blodtryksdato | ||
DVDD | blodtryk_diastolisk | 2001 | 2021 | Diastolisk blodtryk | ||
DVDD | blodtryk_kode | 2001 | 2021 | Blodtryksdato præcision | ||
DVDD | blodtryk_systolisk | 2001 | 2021 | Systolisk blodtryk | ||
DVDD | Database | 2001 | 2021 | Database | ||
DVDD | diag_type | 2001 | 2021 | Diabetestype | ||
DVDD | dyslipidemi_kode | 2001 | 2021 | Dyslipidemibehandling | ||
DVDD | fod_dato | 2001 | 2021 | Fodundersøgelsesdato | ||
DVDD | fod_kode | 2001 | 2021 | Fodundersøgelsesdato præcision | ||
DVDD | HbA1c | 2001 | 2021 | HbA1c (værdi) | ||
DVDD | HbA1c_dato | 2001 | 2021 | HbA1c-dato | ||
DVDD | LDLcholesterol | 2001 | 2021 | LDL-cholesterol (værdi) | ||
DVDD | lipids_dato | 2001 | 2021 | Lipidstatus-dato | ||
DVDD | lipids_kode | 2001 | 2021 | Lipidstatus-dato præcision | ||
DVDD | oeje_dato | 2001 | 2021 | Øjenundersøgelsesdato | ||
DVDD | oeje_kode | 2001 | 2021 | Øjenundersøgelsesdato præcision | ||
DVDD | opf_rygestop | 2001 | 2021 | Opfordring til rygestop | ||
DVDD | opf_rygestop_dato | 2001 | 2021 | Dato for opfordring til rygestop | ||
DVDD | rygestatus_dato | 2001 | 2021 | Dato for forespørgsel om rygestatus | ||
DVDD | Rygning | 2001 | 2021 | Rygestatus | ||
DVDD | status_dato | 2001 | 2021 | NIP-statusdato | ||
DVDD | Triglycerid | 2001 | 2021 | Triglycerid (værdi) | ||
DVDD | triglycerid_forhoeje | 2001 | 2021 | Forhøjet triglycerid | ||
Landsdækkende kliniske kvalitetsdatabase for screening af diabetisk retinopati og maculopati (DiaBase) | PNR | 2021 | PNR | DiaBase | ||
Landsdækkende kliniske kvalitetsdatabase for screening af diabetisk retinopati og maculopati (DiaBase) | Øjenscreenings- dato | 2021 | Datoen for den øjenscreenings-undersøgelse, som indberetningen vedrører, skal indberettes. | DiaBase | ||
Landsdækkende kliniske kvalitetsdatabase for screening af diabetisk retinopati og maculopati (DiaBase) | Øjenscreenings- indikation | 2021 | Indikationen for den aktuelle øjenscreenings- undersøgelse skal indberettes. | DiaBase | ||
Landsdækkende kliniske kvalitetsdatabase for screening af diabetisk retinopati og maculopati (DiaBase) | Synsstyrke | 2021 | Resultatet af visusmålingen i forbindelse med den aktuelle undersøgelse - for både højre og venstre øje - skal indberettes. |
DiaBase |DiaBase | | |Landsdækkende kliniske kvalitetsdatabase for screening af diabetisk retinopati og maculopati (DiaBase) |Retinastatus | | 2021|Retinastatus |DiaBase | | |Landsdækkende kliniske kvalitetsdatabase for screening af diabetisk retinopati og maculopati (DiaBase) |Maculopati-status | | 2021|Resultatet af makulopati-undersøgelsen for både højre og venstre øje skal indberettes. |DiaBase | | |Landsdækkende kliniske kvalitetsdatabase for screening af diabetisk retinopati og maculopati (DiaBase) |Slørede medier | | 2021|Såfremt hverken retinopati status eller maculopati status er vurderet skal der tages stilling til om dette skyldes Slørede medier. |DiaBase | | |Landsdækkende kliniske kvalitetsdatabase for screening af diabetisk retinopati og maculopati (DiaBase) |Indikation for næste øjenlægekontakt | | 2021|Indikationen for den næste øjenlægekontakt skal indberettes. |DiaBase |